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GoMetro mobisite makes a real difference for commuters

GoMetro (, the mobile transit website and app for South African Metrorail users, has made a marked difference in the lives of the rail's 3,000,000 daily commuters and has the numbers and growth to prove it.
GoMetro mobisite makes a real difference for commuters

The SpaceStation, the digital media sales agency who exclusively represent GoMetro, announced that since the launch six months ago the platform has grown to just over 528,000 unique browsers in March 2013 (Google Analytics). Says Gustav Goosen, their CEO: "We are all aware of the phenomenal growth of mobile internet access in South Africa. With this in mind we are particularly proud of GoMetro and the success they have had in providing a real service to commuters. These commuters made 1,561,811 queries for real time updates in the last six months with a staggering 635,221 of those queries made in March alone. This shows us that there is a definite commuter need being met by GoMetro and a growth in demand."

The platform is designed to provide Metrorail commuters with real-time information including train timetables, line announcements, updates and other key services. The information comes directly from Metrorail's control centre. The site also shows the next six train times, including predicted time of departure and arrival at destination when consumers input their current and desired location. Data from the last six months show that 43% of users spend more than three minutes on the service per session, showing great potential for engagement.

GoMetro was carefully developed to work efficiently on any device with the sole prerequisite that the phone has an Internet connection. That being said an interesting trend has developed over the last six months. Over 80% of the users accessed GoMetro on Blackberrys while only 8% used Android, 6% Nokia, 1,5% Apple and the remaining used a Windows Phone.

"Our steep growth has come solely from users accessing our mobile site," says Justin Coetzee, founder of GoMetro. "With Metrorail commuters showing an astounding 100% mobile phone penetration rate (as surveyed) there is massive potential for GoMetro to access their 3,000,000 daily commuters. We are very excited about the growth potential and look forward to the launch of GoMetro 2.0 in June."

25 Apr 2013 07:58
