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Location Bank and Vicinity Media have joined forces to improve ‘real world locations’ through their Winter Warmer Drive
Location Bank and Vicinity Media are well known for making magic in the location space in the digital world - this winter we decided to improve the lives of the less fortunate in the real world with our Winter Warmer Drive. 4 Jul 2024 Read more

Ready to be heard? Rate service delivery in your area - Your feedback matters!
Are you ready to shake things up and make a real impact on your city? We've got something exciting brewing that's going to turn heads and make waves across Gauteng and Western Cape! 10 Apr 2024 Read more

Reflecting on a year of remarkable milestones: Location Bank's 2023 journey
As we move further into February, it's an opportune moment to reflect on the remarkable achievements of 2023 at Location Bank! 15 Feb 2024 Read more

Navigating the evolution of local search
We are thrilled to announce that Location Bank India’s director, Dhaval Doshi has been selected as a judge for the prestigious APAC Search Awards, recognising excellence in search engine optimisation (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM). This recognition reaffirms Location Bank’s position as a leader in the local search industry, despite the business being just over two years old in India. 18 Jan 2024 Read more

Elevate your branch's performance with iFeedback
Have you ever pondered the secret behind some branches consistently outshining the competition? The answer is simple yet powerful - the art of feedback! 25 Oct 2023 Read more

iFeedback: Enhancing customer loyalty in restaurants - the key to repeat business
In the ever-evolving culinary landscape, keeping your menu fresh, avoiding waste and appealing to a diverse clientele can be a challenge and guessing your way out of it is not even worth the thought. 12 Oct 2023 Read more

Manage your reputation. Manage your local SEO
Across almost every consumer-facing industry, from travel and hospitality services to healthcare, online reviews have become an essential part of digital marketing and reputation management. 17 Aug 2022 Read more

Accurately understanding return on investment is the holy grail of marketing
Location Bank has always considered return on investment to be the ultimate goal of marketing, so we have always put our clients' ROI at the centre of our efforts. 11 Aug 2022 Read more

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Contact Location Bank

Email: trepxe.noitacol@selas