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Finding the Golden Mean in J&B Rare

J&B Rare whiskey has launched a new television commercial that advertising agency JWT promises will get tongues wagging.

When JWT approached J&B Rare with the concept, their approach was to illustrate natural connectivity by drawing a parallel between J&B Rare and the mysteriously accurate Golden Mean.

It's a ratio commonly rounded off to 1.618 and is represented by the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet - Phi, (pronounced fee). When present it gives the object a sense of aesthetic harmony and symmetry, for example the distance from the brow to the tip of the nose, from the brow to the crown of the head, the tip of the nose to the base of the neck, the base of the neck to the armpit and the naval to the fingertips are all phi proportions in the human body.

Similarly in nature hurricanes, tornados and whirlpools spin in Phi proportions, as are most leaf and petal arrangements in plants and flowers.

So what's this got to do with J&B Rare? The whisky has been built on a platform of connectivity, an attitude that brings people together and creates an atmosphere that is conducive to shared experiences.

Director Ian Gabriel was brought on board to direct the ad. The result is a poignant spot that the agency believes manages to draw together a range of diverse J&B Rare flavoured vignettes and connect them by investigating how they all exhibit the principles of Phi.

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