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Trade fairs, seminars, exhibitions, conferences, indabas and awards ceremonies are at the heart of connecting and promoting the growth of industry communities.

A Bizcommunity Event Office is the most reliable way to position your event company and ensure the effective promotion of your events.

TARGETED RESPONDENTS Bizcommunity sends out =newsletterspermonthmillion monthly newsletters across =websitesectioncount industry sectors, enabling the targeting of most likely respondents for your industry event promotion.

FREQUENCY We send out daily or weekly newsletters 350 days a year, enabling high awareness and precise timing for your event's promotional communications.

UNMATCHED AWARENESS Your event gets promoted via =southafrica-websiteimpressionsmillion monthly page views to =southafrica-websiteuniquebrowsers website readers and =totalsubscribers newsletter subscribers.

SEO Great SEO and 20K social media followers ensures news on a Bizcommunity Event Office enjoys greater awareness and engagement than events promoted on an ordinary corporate website.

Featured Event

Featured events appear at the top of Bizcommunity's Event Calendar giving your event and company high branded awareness

What you get
  • Newsletter: Your event is featured in relevant industry newsletter for one day with 30-word description and logo
  • Website: Your event has prime position with branding at the top of the Events Calendar Page for one week
  • Event listing page: Your event stands out with a logo and bold heading
Rate: R1500 (excl VAT) per event listing


Ideal for the promotion of a single event, launch etc

What you get:
  • 4 x weeks website double banner 1 x industry ROS
  • 4 x newsletter double banner inserts in one industry newsletter
  • 1 x press release, which can include gallery images
  • 1 x Featured Event listing
  • Campaign report
Rate: R4,000


Ideal for the promotion of up to 6 trade fairs, seminars or other industry events per annum and the promotion of non-event specific event services.

What you get for each of the 6 events:
  • 4 weeks website double banner in one industry as ROS
  • 4 newsletter double banner inserts in one industry newsletter
  • 1 press release, which can include gallery images
  • 1 Featured Event listing
  • Campaign report
BizEvent Office profile:
  • Your company branding appears on the Event Office listing page
  • Your company logo in the left-hand margin of the site when your event is active
  • A dedicated branded event office from which to promote your company's products and services
  • A monthly update of reader stats activity on Bizcommunity
  • A permanent archive for all your corporate content helps build corporate reputation and is great for SEO
RATE: R20,000

Cape Town: +27 (0)21 404 1460
=pdf_url">Download and print this page

Our dedicated campaign managers are standing by to advise you on the best options to suit your needs and how to get the best performance and impact for your campaigns. Call now:

Cape Town:
+27 (0)21 404 1460

=pdf_url" style="font-size:12px;font-weight:bold">Download and print this page


Earning power
Readers earn over R20 000 pm44%
Readers earn over R50 000 pm14%
Readers with university degrees55%
Age profiles
21-40 years old68%
Audience benefits to advertisers
Business professionals
Target audience
Disposable income
Economically active
Tech savvy
Trend adopters


Website stats
Monthly page views (South Africa)=southafrica-websiteimpressions
Monthly page views (Global)=websiteimpressions
Website readers (South Africa)=southafrica-websiteuniquebrowsers
Website readers (Global)=websiteuniquebrowsers
Mobile stats
Monthly page views (South Africa)=southafrica-mobileonlyimpressions
Monthly page views (Global)=mobileonlyimpressions
Mobile readers (South Africa)=southafrica-mobileonlyuniquebrowsers
Mobile readers (Global)=mobileonlyuniquebrowsers
Newsletter stats
Subscribers all industries=totalsubscribers
Monthly newsletters sent=newsletterspermonth
Company listings=websitecompanycount
People directory=websiteprofilecount
Let's do Biz