Australia’s shot-hole borer beetle invasion has begun, but we don’t need to chop down every tree under attackTheo Evans and Bruce Webber
Greening the planet: We can't just plant trees, we have to restore forestsTristram Hales, Benoit Goossens and Mike Bruford 21 May 2021
New mangrove forest mapping tool puts conservation in reach of coastal communitiesTrevor Gareth Jones 15 Jan 2021
Demand for meat is driving deforestation in Brazil - changing the soy industry could stop itAngela Guerrero and Malika Virah-Sawmy 4 Jan 2021
Revolutionise food production system or face mass deforestation, scientists warnJulie Mollins 20 Feb 2020
Management of intact forestlands by indigenous peoples key to protecting climateJulie Mollins 24 Jan 2020