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    Koeberg power station life-extension project running late

    Installation of six new steam generators at Eskom's Koeberg nuclear power station was due to have started on 5 January 2022, but is already running late.
    Source: Koeberg power station [[© Eskom
    Source: Koeberg power station [[© Eskom

    Koeberg power station, on the west coast of South Africa about 35km north of Cape Town, is approaching the end of its 40-year design life and operating licence.

    However, in 2022 and early 2023, the nuclear power plant is scheduled for several upgrades to extend its operational life for a further 20 years.

    This includes the replacement of three steam generators on each of the two 920MW nuclear reactors, as well as replacement of the reactor head, control rod drive mechanism and reactor in-core instrumentation cables on one of the nuclear reactors.

    Source: Daily Maverick

    Source: Daily Maverick

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