Retail Services News South Africa

Filtering out biased customer reviews

One of the great things about the Internet is the way people post reviews on just about anything you're considering trying, whether it's a movie, a new restaurant or the local florist.

This also introduces one of the worst things about the Internet: trying to figure out which reviews to trust. Was that effusive praise written surreptitiously by the merchant? Was that anonymous online slam posted by a devious competitor?

The dilemma might be unavoidable in this age of abundant user-generated content, when we have to be smarter about separating signals from noise. However, RatePoint begs to differ. It wants to play referee, giving consumers more clarity into a business' reputation and protecting the business from unwarranted blights on its credibility.

To screen out false praise engineered by merchants or their allies, RatePoint has algorithms that watch for suspicious e-mail addresses or usage patterns - like someone in Virginia praising a neighborhood hardware store in California. RatePoint also lets merchants decide which positive reviews to show. This is designed to prevent people from sneaking vicious put-downs into a three-, four- or five-star review.

Read the full article here.

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