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 | The rebranding comes after Bolloré was bought out by freight and logistics group Mediterranean Shipping Company in December 2022... read |
 | ISSUED BY BIZCOMMUNITY.COM The Biz Most Read Awards is the monthly accolade for companies to claim rightful recognition for business content activity and impressively amplified impressions for their company news and views... Read |
Logistics & Transport |
 | Danish fund manager A.P. Moller Capital has finalised a deal to acquire frozen logistics operator Vector Logistics from South African food producer RCL Foods for R1.25bn... Read |
 | The recent Africa Supply Chain in Action Conference saw almost 3,000 African supply chain and procurement professionals from 75 countries gather online to examine the skills, strategies and solutions needed to... Read |
 | Transnet has halted gas supplies through its Durban pipeline after it was damaged by an excavator, the state-owned logistics utility said on Friday, 31 March... Read |
Distribution |
 | The Franchise Association of South Africa says the temporary extension of the diesel fuel levy refund to food manufacturers "does not go far enough" as it excludes the rest of the food value chain... Read |
Railway |
 | ANAIT MIRIDZHANIAN AND NELSON BANYA Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan will lead a delegation to China next month in a bid to break an impasse over the delivery of locomotives and spare parts by Chinese rail equipment maker CRRC E-Loco... Read |
Transport |
 | Decarbonising South Africa's Transport Sector is the latest report to be released as part of the series of publications from the Climate Pathways and Just Transition Project... Read |
Warehousing |
 | In areas where there is heightened demand for A-grade space, landlords have the upper hand due to a scarcity of supply, says Galetti's Justin Thom... Read |
Business |
 | CARIEN DU PLESSIS Even though the issue emerges periodically as a talking point, it doesn't appear to have the majority support in parliament... Read |
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