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Tourism, Travel & Hospitality

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Adapting to new trends to improve customer service
[Yvonne Matambo] An exceptional product, popping logo and awesome employees are only half the battle won when building your brand... read

Commerce Month
#CommerceMonth: With e-commerce the whole world becomes your playground

Cari Van Wyk

We asked Paul Midy, CEO of Jovago, to share his views on e-commerce and how it changed the industry... read
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India an important market for SA tourism
As part of South African Tourism's roadshow to boost tourism from key source markets, Tourism Minister Derek Hanekom visited India to engage with the travel and tourism trade... read
Demand for accommodation drives Cape Town's CBD development
According to The State of Cape Town Central City Report: 2015 - A year in review, average hotel room rates in Cape Town's Central City were 23% higher... read
New cloud-based image library for professionals in tourism
The solution enables hotels and other tourism products to move their often scattered image libraries to a dedicated centralised cloud that can be managed, organised and shared... read
We, the People Walk - Commemorating 20 years of the constitution

Issued by Gauteng Tourism Authority

Constitution Hill, in collaboration with the City of Johannesburg and Government Employees Medical Scheme, will be hosting the third edition of the We, the People Walk... read
UNEP launches diving guide to protect marine biodiversity
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and partners have launched guidance material on how recreational diving can protect fragile marine biodiversity threatened by growing coastal tourism and support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development... read
Get connected in the clouds at Table Mountain Cableway's Wi-Fi Lounge
Table Mountain Cableway's new Wi-Fi Lounge can now connect visitors far above the Mother City. All visitors can connect, share, post, Tweet or... read
Responsible travel: the Contiki story
Travellers are looking for ways to get more involved and give back during their travels - be it choosing the most environmentally friendly mode of transport or volunteering... read
More International
Number of new African hotel developments surges

Fifi Peters

The Africa Rising narrative is holding strong in the continent's hospitality sector... read
Explore the top 10 most sophisticated African cities
The continent's social, economic and cultural growth have created a buzz as one of the most promising continents in the world. More sophisticated cities will emerge... read
More Africa
New appointments
  • New general manager at BON Hotel Swakopmund - more info
  • David Livingstone Safari Lodge and Spa appoints new spa manager - more info
  • Taj Cape Town appoints new general manager - more info

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New events to diarise
Sixth Edition Hotelier Summit Africa
IDE Consulting Services - 21 Apr 2016 to 22 Apr 2016, Johannesburg

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The Power of Poison

5 Things Traveling the World Teaches You about Entrepreneurship https://t.co/1oznb6Rag7 - Tue Apr 19
With fresh produce, local beer, and pie-baking, farmers markets are setting up shop in hotels. https://t.co/RJfoelKrAs - Tue Apr 19
RT @TourismPlan: #Tourism and Environmental Responsibility. Be involved. Read this blog ? https://t.co/bQm3EdRJjy #responsibletourism - Tue Apr 19
RT @landarchitects: 12 Projects that Explain Landscape Urbanism and How It's Changing the Face of Cities https://t.co/kO9i5WftaD https://t.... - Tue Apr 19
#CapeTown has been named the "World's Best City" for a 4th year in a row by @TelegraphTravel. Read it here: https://t.co/nIA8Xl56vv. #Travel - Tue Apr 19
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