15 May 2012



Employers, employees, and social media

According to Johan Botes, director in the employment practice at Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr business law firm, an employer may be able to fire an employee who has slagged off the company, or an individual or two, on some social media platform. However, employers might be on shaky ground if they demand from an employee, or an applicant for employment, their personal, private usernames and passwords.

So, employers need to be aware that legislation protects employees against social media prying, and issues in that area need to be handled with great care.

Back in 2010, the DA awarded a tender to advertising agency TBWA/Hunt Lascaris to centralise communications. Questions were raised about the deal, and now Theunis Botha, leader of the Christian Democratic party, says Western Cape premier Helen Zille must resign after the Public Protector Thuli Madonsela found the tender award to be provisionally invalid.

In a boost for manufacturing, Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies will today be launching a R5.8bn manufacturing competitiveness enhancement program (MCEP). The program is aimed at addressing the South African manufacturing industry's ability to compete against imports and against its competitors for other export markets.

Here are two trick questions for you: What have the BRICS members got in common? Answer: coastlines. Which is the odd man out? Answer: us - because we're the only member of BRICS that does not have a merchant fleet.

In fact, we don't even have a single ship... not one... to carry our imports and exports - and it's costing this country billions every year to use foreign-owned ships to carry goods to and from SA.

Henrie Geyser, our Obelix in the driver's seat, unleashes his inner Frenchman and waxes romantic over the new Citroën DS5, which he reckons might have a little German influence and is the kind of car that demands a second look. And a third.

Rod Baker, content director

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DoC received STB manufacture bids
According to Engineering News, a total of 36 bids sent by companies wishing to locally manufacture the set-top boxes (STBs) required for South Africa's migration to digital TV, have been received in the Department of Communications (DoC). Read more >>

Afrimat HEPS up 17% to 62.6c
Afrimat Limited, a leading black empowered open pit mining company providing construction materials and industrial minerals, on Thursday (10 May 2012) reported a 17% increase in headline earnings per share to 62.6 cents for the year ended February. Read more >>

SA March manu prod -2.7% y/y vs Feb rev 4.0%
Manufacturing production in SA fell by 2.7% year on year (y/y) in March after a revised 4.0% (4.1%) y/y rise in February, data released by Statistics SA on Thursday (10 May 2012) showed. Read more >>

Suzuki says full-year net profit rises 19%
TOKYO: Japan's Suzuki Motor said on Thursday (10 May 2012) net profit rose 19.3% in the year to March as cost-cutting efforts absorbed a decline in sales largely due to a strong yen and a slump in India. Read more >>

Protecting marine life with plastic
[Wilma den Hartigh] Innovative plastic pipe bins are being used in a waste removal project - the first of its kind in South Africa - to clear discarded fishing line from beaches along the country's coastline. Read more >>

EAM to assist with recessionary challenges
Today's competitive marketplace and increasing economic challenges see companies across most industries attempting to drive costs down and, in the case of manufacturing, increase production. Read more >>

Spanish manufacturer invests in SA renewable energy
Gestamp Renewable Industries, Spain-based manufacturer and supplier of components to the renewal energy sector, announced a joint venture with South African renewable energy industry partners. Read more >>

Recycled plastic resin to 'dispel market myths'
Recycling International reports that South African recycler Extrupet will be introducing a PhoenixPET brand later this year in order to promote the use of recycled PET resin in food packaging. Read more >>

Wages of the unskilled are too high: report
South Africa's lack of employment has now become a crisis that is over two decades old, said economist Mike Schussler as he presented the trade union UASA's 2012 South African Employment Report (SAER). Read more >>

Davies to launch R5.8bn boost for manufacturing
A R5.8bn manufacturing competitiveness enhancement program (MCEP) would be launched later this week, Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies said in a statement on Sunday. Read more >>

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