7 Feb 2012



Don't get in a state...

...with the road closures if you are anywhere near Cape Town this Thursday, 9 February 2012 - just check the list of roads to be closed for Jacob Zuma's State of the Nation address.

On the investment front, critics are up in arms over what they say are Transnet delays that are costing SA billions, and on the mining front, Mineral Resources Minister Susan Shabangu says the mining industry must transform.

On the security front, there have been complaints that the secrecy bill has not been explained properly.

And there's plenty more news to catch up on; happy reading!

Rod Baker, general manager: content

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Nampak aims to double its Africa earnings
South African packaging company Nampak (NPK) CEO Andrew Marshall said that the company plans to double earnings from businesses elsewhere on the continent, up to 16 percent of the total this fiscal year. Read more >>

Pretoria Metal Pressings records two million accident-free hours
South Africa's largest ammunition and explosives factory, Pretoria Metal Pressings (PMP), a subsidiary of the state-owned Denel Group, topped two million accident free hours. The factory uses an internationally recognised method to measure safety - the Lost Time Injury Frequency Ratio (LTIFR) and its score is presently 0,13. Read more >>

CSIR launches titanium additive manufacturing technology
Business Day reports that Project Aeroswift, an initiative of South Africa's Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), would seed a new sector in titanium beneficiation and push SA to the forefront of aerospace manufacturing, CSIR's CEO, Sibusiso Sibisi, said. Read more >>


Manufacturing to boost GDP on resurgent PMI
Although most economists are downgrading their 2012 SA gross domestic product (GDP) forecasts, a resurgent seasonally adjusted Kagiso Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) in January could mean a revising of forecasts upwards in coming months as production finally catches up with strong consumer demand. Read more >>

Gordhan's budget should boost business confidence
South Africa's upcoming Budget Speech needs to boost business confidence while at the same time, 2012 needs to be a year of implementation, says Business Unity South Africa (BUSA). Read more >>

Wool prices affect textile industry
SA's textile industries are experiencing contrasting fortunes, with wool prices at record levels and cotton down substantially from its highs of 10 months ago. Read more >>

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