8 Nov 2011



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However, we would like to know what you think of our new venture... the news coverage, range of coverage, quality of the news we provide and its relevance. You can also feel free to raise any other points you might feel would help us to improve aspects of our material in these new categories.

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Rod Baker, GM: Content

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DoE, industry try to alleviate LPG shortages
Shortages of liquefied natural gas (LPG) are having a serious impact on the manufacturing, automotive and hospitality sectors of the economy, and the Department of Energy (DoE) and industry are working together to come up with solutions to alleviate the problem, reports Engineering News. Read more >>

Local manufacturers get a boost
allAfrica.com reports that government, unions and the private sector signed a deal committing the country to increasing its target of procuring locally manufactured goods to 75%. Read more >>

Multi-billion rand project to replace SA's trains gathers steam
According to the Cape Times, the Passenger Rail Agency of SA (Prasa) said during a presentation to Parliament that a planned major revamp of Cape Town's rail system will include the modernisation of the national rail system and the replacement of all trains and the construction of new depots and stations. Subject to the government approving its budget, the R123 billion project is set to create 65 000 jobs. Read more >>

Minimal changes to October's South African PMI
Business Week quotes Bloomberg's report that, according to a statement from Kagiso Tiso Holdings, South Africa's seasonally adjusted purchasing managers' index (PMI) was little changed in October, staying close to 50 for a second month, as expansion in manufacturing remained weak. The index advanced to 50.5 from a revised 50.2 the month before, the highest in four months. Read more >>

More Mondi cuts, but Q3 profit is up
Reuters reports that paper manufacturer Mondi said on Monday it plans more cost cuts as the sector struggles to recover from a slump caused by weak demand and overcapacity, exacerbated by a slowdown in the global economy. Read more >>

Good manufacturing process is OBP's core focus
South Africa's leading animal vaccines manufacturer Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP) is looking to expand its footprint, says einnews.com. Read more >>

Shared battery technology may up demand for electric cars
The McGill Daily reports that Hydro-Québec, a Montreal-based, government-owned public utility that is responsible for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity across Quebec, and Technifin, a subsidiary of the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), have agreed to share the intellectual property (IP) rights to their respective lithium-based technologies. Read more >>

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Jobs offered
Sales Executive - Germiston
A position is currently available on short term contract for a sales person tasked with generating new business, customer relationship management and soft marketing of our current range and material. Read more >>

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New people on biz

qwik liner
Spray On Bedliner
tameron grahn
eco furniture design - sustainable locally made furniture
Britt Youens
Sales and Marketing at Igneous Concrete
Ultimate Linings
Protective Coatings
Meegyn Allen
HR & Senior Payroll Administrator at GLS Supply Chain Equipment

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