8 May 2012



E-tolling saga: next round

Now that the issue of e-tolling has been put on hold - and let's face it, nothing has really grabbed the public's attention like this whole sorry saga - the DA has asked Public Protector Thuli Madonsela to investigate the Gauteng e-toll collection contracts. Not only that, the DA wants the investigation to include a possible link to suspected arms deal corruption.

Adding to Sanral's woes, Pieter Conradie, director at Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr business law firm, reckons that motorists now have no obligation to buy e-tags and, to add even more to the road agency's woes, Conradie also reckons that those people who have bought e-tags, should be able to return them for a refund.

Still on the legal front, Owen Dean says that trade marks are going up in smoke but asks whether the SA government, in proclaiming its intention to emulate the Australian government and prevent the use of brands on cigarette packets by legislation, has thought the matter through properly.

For those of you in the marketing industry, Dewaldt Huysamen has interviewed Rand Fishkin on inbound marketing - and more. Fishkin has some fascinating insights for you.

The faster our communications, the more efficient we can be - which is why MTN wants spectrums to be allocated sooner rather than later. The company has urged the government to allocate unused spectrums so that companies can roll out the next generation of long-term evolution (LTE) technology to drive broadband penetration and improve internet speeds.

Finally, on a subject as close to our hearts as e-tolling, but on a far more sombre level, the fight against rhino poaching is something in which we must ALL become involved. As Water and Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa says, the fight against rhino poaching requires joint initiatives from all South Africans.

Rod Baker, content director

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