24 Apr 2012



'Dear Mr President...'

With a few days and counting to the imposition of e-tolling, Fedusa has entered the fray - along with a range of other bodies - in an effort to halt what must be ranked as one of the most deeply unpopular moves on the part of government. Fedusa has addressed an open letter to Zuma after, apparently, an earlier letter to him went unanswered - maybe he was busy on those wedding plans.

On the education front, we didn't come out of the recent World Literacy Summit in the UK smelling of roses because when it comes to literacy, SA comes bottom of the class. Apparently the experts are puzzled as to 'how can this be?' Well, here are a couple of ideas for discussion... Under-trained teachers, bad management, lack of discipline in the classroom, lack of textbooks, a teachers' union that often seems more intent on striking than teaching... that sort of thing?

There's good news for those in ICT - Cape Town is to host the international ICT Indaba 2012 and strategies on how Africa can be developed to be become the next boom market in the ICT sector look to be high on the agenda.

For our e-tag carrier enthusiasts, our motoring editor Henrie Geyser waxes lyrical on the Kia Optima, which Henrie describes as smart, sensible and stylish... again, very much like our Henrie, then.

Surprise - some good news for a change from the Eastern Cape... If you're planning on flying anywhere in the next few years, there's good news for you... the man (or woman - must be PC) at the sharp end up at the front should be pretty good as an Eastern Cape pilot training school has linked up with Boeing to train pilots.

Finally - and still up in the air - kulula feels deeply for those of us who are brave enough to have four wives. So, appreciating that the cost of lugging her along with you can be heavy, the airline has just launched a '4th wife flies free' offer. The only drawback we can see is that the offer is open to all fourth wives when the family travels together on the Joburg to Cape Town leg - so if you live in Durban, hard cheese.

Rod Baker, content director

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RAF wants payout laws changed
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Commercial Law

Road freight body enters e-toll fray
The Road Freight Association (RFA) has filed papers in the Pretoria High Court in an attempt to join the legal proceedings against the implementation of e-tolling in Gauteng, scheduled for April 30. Read more >>

South Africa's domestic law, treaty override?
[Peter Dachs and Bernard du Plessis] With the recent announcement of the intention to introduce a uniform tax withholding rate of 15% for dividends, interest and royalties, the reduction of these taxes by foreign investors into SA will be an increasingly prominent feature in planning inward investment. Access to, and the use of, SA's double tax treaties will play an important role in the quest to reduce these taxes. Read more >>

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SA must repeal laws criminalising sex workers: SWEAT
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Teacher-pupil relationships are also 'domestic': magistrate
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Limitations imposed on trophy rhino horns
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Law Practice

Heavyweight judges vie for top Gauteng post
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Law Practice

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Too much spent on state leases
The National Treasury is concerned that R3bn a year spent on leasing properties for state departments was too high, according to a report on Wednesday. Treasury deputy director-general for public finance Andrew Donaldson told Parliament's appropriations committee on Tuesday that state spending on leases had grown rapidly, Business Day reported. Read more >>

Increase in e-toll registrations, but...
There has been a significant increase of e-tag registrations in Gauteng, the SA National Roads Agency Ltd said on Wednesday. Most of the registrations had taken place at mall outlets, it said in a statement. Read more >>

State bid to speed up infrastructure
Short-term planning and political uncertainty could slow down its R800bn infrastructure spending plan, the government admits. Read more >>

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