10 Apr 2012



Stating the obvious

Your government cares about you, you'll be pleased to know, and has taken note of your concerns (but not reduced its tax take etc, mind) regarding the latest fuel price increase, which has seen the liquid gold you pour into your precious metal going to highest price ever. But here's some excellent advice for you, just in case you hadn't thought of it already... our Energy Minister Dipuo Peters suggests it might be a good idea for you to be a bit more economical in terms of your fuel use, given the rocketing price of fuel.

That's all very well, but given the magnificence of our public transport systems, and the fact that commuting to and from work makes up by far the highest portion of your time behind the wheel, there's not a huge amount we can do to mitigate the effects of the fuel price, other than forming lift clubs and such-like.

On the rhino horn front, Water and Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa has cracked the whip on unregistered rhino horn stockpiles and says that if you have any rhino horns in your possession, you need to register them. She says doing so will "help us fight against poaching".

The only problem with that, of course, is that poachers are not really that concerned about the Biodiversity Act of 2004 that requires that everyone who is in possession of a stockpile of horns should have a permit.

On the movie front, it's coming up for exactly 100 years ago that Captain Smith decided a few lumps of ice were not much to worry about, ordered "full ahead" - and ploughed the Titanic into one - sinking the ship and killing hundreds of passengers and crew. So, it's a fitting time, writes Daniel Dercksen, for the Titanic to sail off again, this time in 3D.

Henrie Geyser, Bizcommunity.com's very own motoring editor and the sexiest member of the media motoring fraternity, says the new Mini roadster - which has lost its roof and back seats and been transformed into a fully-fledged little sports car - is the sexiest Mini ever made.

Rod Baker, content director

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Molewa cracks whip on unregistered rhino horn stockpiles
SKUKUZA: Water and Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa has urged private landowners who are in possession of rhino horn stockpiles to register them. Read more >>

Commercial Law

Crackdown on illegal liquor sales
Western Cape will clamp down on illegal liquor sales, says finance, economic development and tourism MEC Alan Winde. New liquor regulations - including the Western Cape Liquor Act, the Western Cape Liquor Amendment Act and the Western Cape Liquor Regulations - took effect Sunday, 1 April 2012. Read more >>

Liquidated airline claiming R155m from SAA
SAA has been served with a summons from liquidated Nationwide Airlines claiming more than R155m in damages because of the alleged abuse of the national carrier's dominant position by it inducing travel agents not to sell domestic air tickets for SAA's competitors. Read more >>

Court ruling on fishing 'curbs growth'
A court ruling against an appeal challenging the legality in the transfer of commercial fishing rights was inhibiting growth and had created uncertainty in SA's fishing sector, Oceana CEO Francois Kuttel said Monday, 2 April 2012. Read more >>

Werksmans appoints director to lead mining team
Werksmans Attorneys has appointed Chris Stevens as director with effect from 2 April 2012. With a high profile in the legal fraternity - both local and international - Stevens brings a wealth of expertise in key areas such as commercial arrangements, mining titles registrations, litigation, opinion work and black economic empowerment laws. Read more >>


MTN faces human rights probe
The SA Human Rights Commission has received a request from the DA to investigate MTN for alleged human rights violations in Iran. MTN has been accused of facilitating the surveillance of Iranian opposition activists by allowing phones to be bugged. Read more >>

Labour Law

Department explains labour law changes
Amendments to labour legislation will protect workers by tightening up laws around labour broking, the department of labour said on Wednesday (4 April 2012). Temporary work would be defined as that lasting no more than six months, said chief director of collective bargaining Thembinkosi Mkalipi. Read more >>

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