28 Feb 2012



Toll death do you part...

Jimmy Manyi came out smoking over the controversial road tolls issue by telling everyone what we already know - that the tolls are not just a bad dream. True - for many, even at the reduced rates announced by Pravin Gordhan in his budget speech, the tolls will be worse than a bad dream... more of a nightmare.

Gordhan, far more diplomatically, is reported to have said that the user pays principle is "sacrosanct". That's all very well, but every motorist and every freight company, emergency service and what-have-you already pays towards the upkeep of existing roads and construction of new ones... with every litre of fuel they (and we) put in their vehicles.

Out on the high seas, in an effort to combat Somali pirates (read 'criminals') - who are ranging well beyond their home waters - the SA Navy is to set up permanent patrols in the Mozambique Channel, through which a vast amount of the world's crude oil and our own imports and exports pass. It's vital the pirates are defeated - extra costs of security and rerouting of vessels is very likely to hit us in our pockets - eventually.

Finally, Velvet Sky has been grounded, at least until next Monday, 5 March, so if you are planning on flying anywhere in the country, you won't be in Velvet. Here's hoping, however, that the airline is able to take to the skies again; generally, the more competition in any sector, the better it is for the consumer.

Rod Baker, general manager: content

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