21 Feb 2012



We live in taxing times...

Tomorrow, Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan will either make or break your day, depending on what he says in his budget speech, and how what he says will affect you. We'll bring you the news and analysis as soon as we have it.

In the meantime, however, there's good news on the crime front, with serious crime levels apparently in decline and, what's more - especially if the plight of the rhino upsets you - the SANDF and law enforcement agencies are to fight border crimes - which should be good news for rhinos and very bad news - sometimes fatal news - for poachers.

Back on the finance front, Anna Malczyk of the UCT Basics of Financial Management short course gives you some tips on defining your business financial goals for 2012.

And now for something out of this world; did you know we have a space agency? Well, we do, and even though the South African National Space Agency (Sansa) was formally launched in December 2010, and began operations only in April 2011, it seems that it is laying the foundations for... going into space!

Finally, for you drivers of precious metal - i.e. a car - a new study on the costs of vehicle ownership has some interesting facts. When next you complain about the price of fuel, just be grateful you don't live in the UK.

Rod Baker, general manager: content

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