11 Oct 2011



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Pro-euthanasia Dignity SA challenges existing law
After he was released on bail and returned to South Africa in September, Sean Davison, who is to stand trial in New Zealand next month for the attempted murder of his mother, has launched Dignity South Africa - an organisation aiming to campaign for the legalisation of euthanasia in South Africa. Read more >>

Commercial Law

Businesses must comply with Competition Act - Adams & Adams
"South Africa's Competition Act is a complex creature. With its wide reach, and its impact on other fields of law, the full extent of its implications can be difficult to grasp," says Jac Marais, partner at Adams & Adams' Commercial Property and Litigation Department. Read more >>

New justice system overhaul will 'prevent meddling'
According to North Gauteng High Court Judge Eberhard Bertelsmann, a proposed overhaul of South Africa's justice system will prevent "meddling" with case files. "With this system," he said, "judges will be given an electronic case file the moment a case is opened. The electronic files will be saved in a server and will have certain features to prevent meddling." Read more >>

Labour Law

Women still face legal and regulatory hurdles
Women still face legal and regulatory hurdles on their way to full participation in the economy, according to "Women, Business and the Law 2012: Removing Barriers to Economic Inclusion"- a new report from the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Women represent 49.6% of the population but only 40.8% of the workforce in the formal sector - legal differences between men and women may explain this gap. Read more >>

DTI minister makes grave mistake
[Keith Levenstein] The DTI minister has gazetted changes to B-BBEE verification procedures and rules that came into effect on 1 October 2011. The changes allow IRBA (Independent Regulatory Body for Auditors) to approve registered auditors to issue B-BBEE certificates in addition to continuing to allow SANAS to accredit verification agencies, but with changes to the rules. Read more >>

Sacci questions existing labour laws
Speaking at the annual convention of the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Sacci), Ann Bernstein, the executive director at the Centre for Development and Enterprise, said that labour regulations had clearly failed the 6.4 million unemployed South Africans. Read more >>

All industry news


Fabian joins The Foschini Group
Leading retailer group TFG (The Foschini Group) has bought niche luxury menswear brand Fabiani, effective from 1 October 2011. Established in 1978 by Arie Fabian and renowned for the exceptional cut of its suits, highest quality fabric and powerful design details, it expanded its offer to include casual clothing, shoes and fashion accessories and is considered one of the leaders in the luxury menswear market. Fabian will join the group as the brand director. Read more >>


Mixed bag competing for SA Car of the Year
[Henrie Geyser: motoring editor] A mixed bag of 10 French, Italian, German and Korean vehicles have made it through to the finals for the 2012 South African Car of the Year competition. The finalists were determined in a vote by the full members and a jury made up of 30 selected members of the South African Guild of Motoring Journalists (SAGMJ). Read more >>


Marketing lessons from Steve Jobs
[Chris Moerdyk: @chrismoerdyk] Look closely at the marketing strategies used by Steve Jobs and other visionaries and the first thing that comes to mind is the realisation that marketing is not a democratic process and that those who are really successful at it are, yes, visionaries. Read more >>

Biz Lounge

Bok tragedy!
[Corné Krige] I am only 36 years old, but one of the many valuable lessons I have learned is that life isn't fair. Sometimes you get things when you don't deserve them and other times when you absolutely deserve it then you don't get it. This was the case on Sunday morning when the Springboks played Australia in Wellington, New Zealand. Read more >>

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