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Human Resources & Recruitment

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Can an employee be fired for racist rants on Facebook?

Jacques van Wyk

Is a dismissal of an employee who posted alleged racist comments on Facebook substantively fair...?read

Labour outlines plan to enforce minimum wage compliance
Labour outlines plan to enforce minimum wage compliance
Labour Deputy Minister Inkosi Phathekile Holomisa says once the National Minimum wage gets implemented, more resources will be required to ensure that employers comply with the new
Unemployment rate unchanged in first quarter
Unemployment rate unchanged in first quarter
South Africa's unemployment rate remained unchanged at 26.7% in the first quarter of 2018, Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) said on Tuesday, 15 May
Applications open for 2018 Gauteng Accelerator Programme
Applications open for 2018 Gauteng Accelerator Programme

Tom Jackson

The Innovation Hub, the innovation agency of the Gauteng province, has opened applications for this year's edition of the annual Gauteng Accelerator Programme (GAP) innovation
Employee Wellness
How to increase staff engagement in your organisation

Tralone Khoza

Issued By Global Access

One of the biggest challenges facing large organisations is the competition for the best talent and staff retention... read
The evolving workplace: The working environment and its impact on business and culture

Henke Naudé

Issued By Ackermans

Why workspace design not only reflects - but also drives - culture... read
Health and safety: the recipe for a better logistics industry

Morné Stoltz

Did you know that South Africa has some of the worst road-safety statistics in the world?[i] Accidents hit the economy hard when vehicles have to be repaired or replaced and often goods in transit are destroyed or delayed... read
Doing good is good for business: Tiekie Barnard explains the benefits of Shared Value

Issued By Shift Social Development

Business is driven by profit, but Shift Social Development CEO Tiekie Barnard believes in the importance of profit with purpose. In this Q&A, she explains the meaning of Shared Value and how companies can use this business strategy to find where the biggest growth opportunities lie... read
All the regional winners of Mest Africa Challenge 2018
The regional winners of the inaugural Mest Africa Challenge, the pan-African startup pitch competition open to companies outside the Mest programme, has been announced... read
Government fine-tuning R2.1bn SME, innovation fund
Small Business Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu says the department is finalising the modalities of how the recently announced R2.1 billion small business and innovation fund will be implemented... read
How to apply for the Slush Global Impact Accelerator

Tom Jackson

African startups have been invited to apply for the Finland-based Slush Global Impact Accelerator (GIA), which supports impact-driven startups via a four-week programme... read
HR Tools & Software
Why Cape Town's SMEs should drive the shift to remote working

Colin Thornton

As part of the city's efforts to save water, remote working solutions can play a key role... read
Labour Law & Unions
Govt determined to conclude wage negotiations
Public Service and Administration Minister Ayanda Dlodlo says government is seized with working towards concluding a multi-term wage agreement with unions... read
Paying the price for unfair procedure

Tracy Robbins

The Labour Court delivered its judgment in the matter of Satawu and Others v Sihlangene Security & Cleaning CC and Another on 27 March 2018, whereby the court showed its displeasure for a complete absence of prior procedure followed when dismissing employees. read
Four good reasons why SA needs to invest in new managers now

Issued By UCT Graduate School of Business

Business and government would do well to invest in first-line managers - because they have the greatest potential to help create smooth-running organisations that can make a difference in the economy... read
Africa's leaders in HR share all

Issued By Top Employers Institute

HR professionals, don't miss out on the latest e-book, Africa's Leaders in HR. You'll find incredible tips and today's best HR practices from renowned companies in Africa... read
More than an awards, this was an accord

Issued By Topco Media

On Thursday, 10 May, the Best Managed Companies in a host of sectors were announced at the second annual Top 500 Awards, hosted at Inanda Club's Polo Room in the heart of Sandton... read
Denel CEO resigns
Denel group chief executive officer‚ Zwelakhe Ntshepe‚ has resigned with immediate effect after being with the company for 20 years... read
Future of work to place youth, women at centre
It can no longer be business as usual when it comes to the creation of a just, humane and inclusive world of work for all... read
Skills Development & Training
What will it take for travel consultants to survive?
They say that the universities and colleges of today are training people for careers that don't even exist. The question we should be asking in travel is: What are the skills that future travel professionals will need to do their jobs? read
Department places over 1,500 medical interns
The Department of Health has placed over 1,500 medical interns and 1,300 community service doctors for the 2018 and 2019 annual cycle... read
Talent Acquisition
The tools of the recruitment trade

Issued By Placement Partner

Are you, as a recruiter, making the most of all the tools at your disposal to find candidates and make placements faster than the competition? Let's examine the evidence!... read
Africa Month
Creating business communities for African unity

Issued By

The run-up to the 55th Africa Day, celebrated annually on 25 May in parts of Africa and around the world in commemoration of the foundation of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) (now the African Union), is an ideal time to reflect on the opportunities presented by a new collective zeitgeist happening in Africa... read
Biomimicry and the future of utilities

Sindy Peters

Claire Janisch, founder of Biomimicry South Africa, took to the podium at this year's African Utility Week to share how biomimicry could influence the future of utilities... read
#AfricaMonth: Africa's time to shine

Jared Molko

It's Africa Month, which is a great time to reflect on where we are as a connected society and what role we as African digital citizens have to play in the near future... read
#AfricaMonth: Driving sustainable development agendas through digital transformation

Joanne Shields

Africa is a diverse continent with unique market conditions. Home to seven of the fastest growing economies and seven of the world's megacities, and with millions of young people entering the labour force each year, Africa is fertile ground... read
Harnessing blockchain technology to transform global cybersecurity

Colin Thornton

In a digitally driven world, cybersecurity has become a highly lucrative sphere of modern business. Today, experts around the world are clawing for a piece of the estimated $8.5bn cyberthreat intelligence industry pie... read
Jobs offered
Are you fully tapping into your employees' expertise?
RT @FamousWomen: Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality
RT @melissa_lamson1: The art of communication is the language of leadership ~ James Humes #MondayMotivation #Leadership
Bill Gates says every manager should read this book
When the crisis does hit, the first hours are essential
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