9 Jul 2013

Human Resources & Recruitment

Can you engage effectively with your employees?

Technology has turned the world in which we live upside-down, says Lia Marus and asks: how can you effectively engage your employees?

Still on the employee front, a mining framework agreement has been signed, unfortunately without the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU).

The mining sector has been hit by unreasonable wage demands and it seems as though some in labour are oblivious to the damage they are doing to the industry.

No business can afford unreasonable wage demands... something has to give: either the company goes under, and everyone loses their jobs, or it cuts staff and an unfortunate number are out on the street, and/or it takes the mechanised route - and that still leads to fewer jobs.

No-one is saying miners should work for a pittance, but demanding astronomical increases is just plain stupid.

Hoof would have thought of it... 10 top media personalities took to the Twitterverse to help raise funds for the charity of their choice in the #BeTheStud campaign - and they made a difference for charity.

Our tame motoring editor Henrie Geyser is a heady blend of city chic and country charm, so it's no wonder he sees those same qualities in the Volvo CC.

Rod Baker, Content Director

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Weekly top stories

Is the tablet the whiteboard of the future for corporate training?
[Glenn Gillis] No-one would dispute that corporate training is a necessary process for all organisations. Some might even say training is now more important than it has ever been. Read more >>
How can you effectively engage your employees?
[Lia Marus]
The business case for recycling
[Su-Mari Du Bruyn]

Human Resources & Recruitment
National HR standards being rolled out
Building on the new National HR Competency Model, the HR Professional and Quality Assurance body for South Africa, the SA Board for People Practices (SABPP), has followed in the footsteps of the top HR countries in the world by launching a project to develop the first set of HR standards for South Africa. Read more >>

Future Leaders hosts inaugural Youth Awards
Future Leaders SA hosts its ninth Youth Entrepreurship,Lifeskills, Moral Regeneration Conference & Careers Expo, late last month, along with its inaugural Youth Awards. The theme of the awards was Redefining Role Models. Read more >>

HR Management
Generation Y - working with Millennials
Born roughly between 1977-19941, Generation Y is now commencing employment and showing rapid growth in the workforce, while the Baby Boomers (1946 to 1964) are currently retiring. It is predicted that this generation, also known as the Millennials, will soon out-number members of the previous generation (X) in the workforce. This is according to Zinhle Matentji, MD and owner of executive recruitment company Search Specifics, who offers the following insights. Read more >>

Sharp claims Unemployment Bill amounts to 'political engineering'
[Mpho Sibanyoni] The proposed amendments to the Unemployment Insurance Act have come under heavy criticism as Loane Sharp, a labour market analyst at Adcorp, claimed the amendments amounted to "political engineering" ahead of next year's elections. Read more >>

Modest start to 'green' jobs
A has made a modest start to growing green jobs. But government as a whole needs to get behind the initiative if it is to have any noticeable effect on the economy. Read more >>

Women battle more than men - Stats SA
The scales remain tilted in favour of men with regards to education and literacy, employment, and financial standing, statistician-general Pali Lehohla said on Thursday (4 July). Read more >>

View from Botswana
[Aadil Patel] On 16 May 2011, a total of 2934 public officers employed in essential services throughout Botswana were dismissed for failing to comply with an industrial court order. Read more >>

Pay rise for taxi drivers and hospitality staff
[Johan Botes] The Minister of Labour has announced an increase in the minimum remuneration payable to employees engaged in either the taxi or the hospitality sectors. The salary increase is effective from 1 July 2013, and follows hot on the heels of the increase in the general Earnings Threshold communicated by the minister recently. Read more >>

How can you effectively engage your employees?
[Lia Marus] I've said it before and I'll say it again: technology has turned the world we live in upside down. Our communication methods have done a total 180 degree turn thanks to the likes of Facebook and Twitter. In six months, a motor vehicle company can imitate, produce and bring to market a vehicle that another company has only just launched - the turnaround time was once something like six or seven years... Read more >>

Unethical behaviour declines in private sector - SABES 2013
There has been a marked decrease in the instances of misconduct observed by private sector employees in South Africa. This is one of the positive findings of the South African Business Ethics Survey (SABES) 2013 in which 4099 employees in 15 companies were surveyed. Read more >>

The business case for recycling
[Su-Mari Du Bruyn] I am always surprised by businesses that claim that they cannot afford to recycle. There seems to be this misguided belief that recycling has to cost you money. We have assisted a number of clients to become more environmentally friendly and over time we have proven that it can be a value-adding initiative in more than one way. Read more >>

Not many changes in corporate SA
When it comes to transformation in corporate SA, good intentions abound, says Debbie Goodman-Bhyat, managing director of Jack Hammer Executive Head Hunters. But, she says: "In reality race and gender transformation are making little headway." Read more >>

Choosing the right manager for your franchise store
Effective store management is vital to the success of any franchise outlet. A store manager is a key representative of the brand and, essentially, dictates the personality of that particular store. Read more >>

Are you a good seller or a great buyer?
[Elmarie Pretorius] Often in business we focus on selling our goods or services. We regard ourselves as a sales organisation and focus our training and motivation on sales. This is not wrong by any stretch of the imagination, but it could also be a one-sided approach. Read more >>

R17bn for new colleges in SA
The department of higher education and training plans to invest more than R17bn in further education and training colleges, according to Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande. Read more >>

Dangers of using a personal LinkedIn profile for recruitment
[Matthew Gray] There is a trend within companies to use the personal LinkedIn profile of one of their HR employees in their e-recruitment efforts to find potential candidates. In this scenario, the employee will either use a shotgun approach, pushing out vacancies to their network, or they will be tasked with trying to find a specific skill set. Read more >>

Importance of procuring the right staff in franchising
With their minds mostly centred on acquiring the best store in a prime location and advertising to potential customers, many new franchisees tend to overlook the importance of acquiring the best staff for the business. Read more >>

SAIPA helps accountants to consider public sector employment
In March this year, auditor-general Terence Nombembe noted that less than a quarter of government entities had been given a clean audit. A key contributing factor is a lack of basic accounting skills in government. The skills gap also contributes to government's ongoing inability to spend and account for its budgets. Read more >>


Asiana boss defends Dreamliner pilots
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA: The chief executive of Asiana Airlines' on Tuesday (9 July) defended two pilots at the centre of the investigations into the fatal crash in San Francisco, saying the pair were "very experienced and competent". Read more >>

Top retailers, unions to inspect Bangladesh factories
DHAKA, Bangladesh: Seventy top retailers have pledged to improve worker safety and allow inspection of all of their garment factories in Bangladesh within nine months under a pact signed with unions after a deadly factory collapse, a statement said today. Read more >>

Spanish factories cut output for 21st month
MADRID, SPAIN: Spanish factories slowed output for the 21st straight month in May, official data showed Friday, as demand collapsed in a long recession that has pushed unemployment above 27%. Read more >>

More International


Eskom extends Medupi's power delivery date; costs up
Eskom's Medupi coal fired power station in Limpopo is unlikely to deliver first power to the grid by the end of this year as it was envisioned, the power parastatal confirmed yesterday. Read more >>

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Paton Training - 23 Jul 2013 to 24 Jul 2013 Johannesburg
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Knowledge Resources - 1 Aug 2013 Johannesburg
Women Leadership Seminar
Knowledge Resources - 7 Aug 2013 Johannesburg
Online and E-Learning Conference
Knowledge Resources - 27 Aug 2013 to 29 Aug 2013 Johannesburg

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