9 Apr 2013

Medical South Africa

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SANAC welcomes fixed dose combination ARVs
The South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) has welcomed the availability of Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) ARVs, saying it will encourage patients to stay on treatment and reduce incidences of non-compliance and non-adherence. Read more >>

Chronic Diseases
Yale researchers' finding offers clue to new treatment for muscular dystrophy
Muscular dystrophy is the name of a collection of diseases that weaken muscles and cause muscle cells and tissue to die. The most common form is called Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). There is no known cure. Read more >>

Giving high blood pressure the 'squeeze' this World Health Day
[Laurence Hillman] High Blood Pressure also known as hypertension currently affects around 6.3 million South Africans. Blood pressure refers to the force of blood pushing against the artery walls as it moves through the body, just like too much water being pushed through a garden hose can damage the hose, having high blood pressure could cause serious damage your healthy arteries. Read more >>

Buy South African olive oil and support CANSA
The South African olive oil estate, Olyfberg, will donate R2 to cancer research on the sale of every litre of its Extra Virgin Olive Oil, carrying the CANSA Smart Choice sticker on the bottle. The estate is situated on the Breede River in the Western Cape, producing high quality, hand-picked, affordable olive products. Read more >>

South African dentists show lack of confidence in future
Amongst the key findings of the latest quarterly survey conducted by PPS of more than 150 South African dentists are that they are becoming increasingly concerned about the future of their profession in the country and their ability to earn an income that keeps up with inflation. Read more >>

Infectious Diseases
Superbugs may invade SA hospitals
A bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics exists in wards of many South Africa's hospitals and the National Institute of Communicable Diseases says it has confirmed 63 cases of antibiotic-resistant superbugs known as Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CREs) since they first appeared in South Africa less than two years ago. Read more >>

Medical Aid
Bestmed, Sappi medical scheme merger
As of 1 April 2013, Sappi medical scheme has merged with Bestmed in an amalgamation that, according to Bestmed CEO Dries La Grange, is an opportunity for Sappi to concentrate on its core business and let a medical scheme take care of what it knows best. Read more >>

Medical Research
Lactate may protect diabetics against complications of hypoglycemia
Providing the brain with lactate and potentially other fuels may protect diabetics against life-threatening bouts of hypoglycemia, a Yale study has found. The study appears in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. Read more >>

Nestlé, Pfizer merger approved
[Amanda Visser] The conditions set for the approval of the merger between Nestlé SA and Pfizer result in a good outcome for all South African parents with small children using infant nutrition products‚ the Competition Tribunal said on Tuesday (2 April) when it issued its reasons for approving the merger. Read more >>

Eat fish and live longer says study
People aged 65 and older who eat fish may live an average of two years longer than people who do not consume the omega-3 fatty acids found mainly in seafood. Read more >>

Robben Island Balloon Run this Saturday, 6 April
After careful monitoring of the wind and weather conditions by the eNCA climatologists, the date of the Robben Island Balloon Run has been set for Saturday, 6 April 2013, with take-off from Robben Island being between 7am and 2pm. Read more >>

Industrial growth on the cards for SA
[Penwell Dlamini] The latest iteration of the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP), aimed at stimulating economic growth, was unveiled in Pretoria on Thursday (4 April). Read more >>

Public Health
New laws on alcohol won't reduce drinking
The history of prohibition reveals that legislators are slow learners. There is no doubt that irresponsible alcohol consumption damages the fabric of home and community life. However, the idea that partial or complete prohibition is a solution tells at least as much about human stupidity as it does about poor faith and even - on occasion - pure malice. Read more >>

14 die on roads in Western Cape
[Bekezela Phakathi] Easter weekend road deaths in the Western Cape decreased from 20 last year to just 14 this year‚ the provincial government said on Monday (7 April). Read more >>

No seat belts - expect a hefty fine
A national clamp down is in the way aimed at ensuring all people in vehicles use safety belts, Transport Minister Ben Martins said on Monday (7 April). Read more >>

Booze ad ban on cards
[Katherine Child] Neither friends nor enemies will stop Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi from his mission to ban alcohol advertising. Read more >>

More Government news...

Jobs offered
QA Manager: Knowledge Management - Cape Town
An exciting career opportunity currently exists for a QA Manager: Knowledge Management at Metropolitan Health in Cape Town. Read more >>

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