2 Apr 2013

Medical South Africa

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Exhibitions & Events
Carnegie Clinician Scientist Symposium welcomes four new research fellows
The Faculty of Health Sciences, at the University of the Witwatersrand, hosted the Carnegie Clinician Scientist Symposium, earlier this month, displaying its first cohort of Carnegie clinician scientists. Scientific clinical research is vital for contributing to the improvement of the health of the people of South Africa and these fellowships have enabled young clinicians with an interest in research to obtain a PhD. Read more >>

Medical Aid
Actionable insight from data
[Dr Tracy Dunbar] In a business environment where prices and products are so alike, a company's data and how it is used is one of the last remaining differentiators between mediocrity and excellence. Read more >>

Pharmaceutical Companies
Shareholders want to see Cipla agreement
[Tamar Kahn] The supply agreement between local pharmaceutical company Cipla Medpro and Indian giant Cipla was the focus for analysts attending the company's annual results presentation on Tuesday (26 March). Analysts want to see the contract before making a decision on the offer. Read more >>

Public Health
Is your desk a bacterial minefield?
According to office furniture manufacturing company, Angel Shack, studies show that disease-causing microbes lurk in the most unexpected places, such as office furnishings and accessories. The average desk surface has 20961 germs per 6.5cm2 and is home to 400 times more bacteria than an office toilet seat. Read more >>

Steel companies make a lot of noise
Eight steel companies exceeded the 85 decibel (A-rated) limit by between 50% and 100% according to a study on noise-induced hearing loss, done by the National Institute for Occupational Health. Read more >>

AHP's new Health Workforce Support Programme
[Issued by AHP - Africa Health Placements] AHP's Rural Doctors' Support Programme has undergone a makeover. The programme will now be called the Health Workforce Support Programme. Read more >>  visit press office >>

Makwetla visits troops wounded in CAR
Defence Deputy Minister Thabang Makwetla will visit soldiers wounded in the Central African Republic at 1 Military Hospital, in Pretoria, on Thursday (28 March). Read more >>

Human DNA in meat samples
Scientists have found traces of human tissue in meat meant for public consumption, but this poses "no threat" to the consumers who eat it. Read more >>

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2013 Biz Trends Report

93 pages
49 contributors
41 contributions

New people on biz
Mxolisi Malaza
HIV/AIDS case manager
welch dental
welchdentalgroup at welchdentalgroup
Amit Arora
Manager at Surgeine Healthcare (India) Pvt. Ltd
Vlad Kamanin
dr at Van Ness Family Dentist
Mauris Griffin
Founder / Owner at Zekel Healthcare

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