19 Mar 2013

Medical South Africa


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Lancet Global Health launches in June
A new publication, Lancet Global Health launches in June 2013 to cover common conditions and wider health policy issues affecting low and middle-income countries. A special emphasis will be given to local, context-specific research with regional or global implications and the intention is for The Lancet Global Health to provide a voice for country based researchers to influence global debates. Read more >>

Entries open for CNN MultiChoice African Journalist 2013 Awards
CNN International and MultiChoice this week officially launched the CNN MultiChoice African Journalist 2013 Awards. Read more >>

If you're content, we're content
[Issued by Bizcommunity] "Content" is currently on everybody's lips, with everyone from the existing media to brand owners and individuals being encouraged to become content providers. Bizcommunity has been ahead of the content curve for over a decade. Read more >>  visit press office >>

Chronic Diseases

Drunk drivers may not face jail
Drivers convicted of drunk driving in Western Cape might soon be spared being sent to jail but forced to undergo therapy instead. Read more >>

Emergency Procedures

Full House Events proudly supports Hatzolah Medical Rescue
[Issued by Full House Events] Full House Events was pleased to be actively involved in this year's second annual Hatzolah Medical Rescue Poker evening to raise funds for a great community cause. Read more >>  visit press office >>

Exhibitions & Events

Free Speak2aScientist talk on the 'Higgs-like boson... where to from here'
In a special Speak-to-a-Scientists talk, sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry and South African Chemical Institute, Professor Simon Connell, lead particle physicist of the UJ-Atlas group will provide insight into the 'Discovery Machine', give an update and look at what may still be discovered. Read more >>

Hospital Groups

Healthcare price probe coming
An inquiry into pricing and possible collusion in the healthcare market will begin on 1 April, the Competition Commission said on Wednesday (13 March). Pharmaceutical companies won't be form part of the inquiry. Read more >>

SafeCare Standards receive International ISQua Accreditation
[Issued by COHSASA] The first edition of 'SafeCare Standards' for clinics and health centres in resource-restricted settings has been accredited by the prestigious International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) known as the 'accreditor of accreditors.' Read more >>  visit press office >>

COHSASA accreditations
[Issued by COHSASA] A number of healthcare facilities have each received a three-year Accreditation Award from COHSASA which means that they are compliant with internationally accredited standards. Read more >>  visit press office >>


Launch of Wits Research Institute for Malaria
The Faculty of Health Sciences has announced the launch of the Wits Research Institute for Malaria (WRIM). Headed jointly by Professor Maureen Coetzee and Professor Thérèsa Coetzer in the Wits School of Pathology it has been formed in an effort to strengthen malaria research in the existing fields as well as in the fields of epidemiology and clinical medicine. Read more >>

Medical Research

Rwanda's remarkable health recovery
An example of effective evidence-based policies, central planning, health systems, and equitable access to healthcare. Read more >>


Endoscopic surgery can help low back and leg pain
A Yale orthopedic spine surgeon has a minimally invasive solution for patients with moderate to severe low back pain and sciatica caused by disk herniation. Specifically, he is targeting people whose pain doesn't improve with physical therapy or painkillers, but may not be severe enough to warrant open-spine surgery. Read more >>

Public Health

Launch of solar powered health centre brings healthcare to rural areas
Samsung has set itself a goal to reach one million people through its solar powered health centres by 2015, launched in Cape Town last week as part of its broader CSR goal to influence the lives of five million people in Africa by 2015. Read more >>

No contraception for 233m women
PARIS, FRANCE: An estimated 233m women in their fertile years will not have access to modern contraception by 2015, up from 221m in 2010, according to a study published on Tuesday (12 March). Read more >>

More International...

Jobs offered
EMU Consultant/MO1/MO2/Registrar Training Posts - Pietermaritzburg
EMU consultant, MO1 and MO2 posts, and registrar training posts at Edendale Hospital in KwaZulu-Natal Read more >>

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Edward Poller
Deptford Family Dental PA at Deptford Family Dental PA
moosa spiritualdoctor
Spirit promoter at her
Bart Conn
Biophysics Chiropractic
david Aronberg
Aronberg & Aronberg Personal Injury Lawyers Plantation

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