26 Feb 2013

Medical South Africa


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Launch of new ARV supplier
In South Africa, Mylan has launched a comprehensive portfolio of antiretroviral (ARV) products, initially consisting of 11 first- and second-line adult and paediatric regimens. Included are several innovative products, such as fixed-dose combinations, single blister "co-packs," heat-stable products and novel paediatric formulations that have been approved by the FDA and WHO. Read more >>

Exhibitions & Events

GBCHealth hosts first 2013 member's meeting this week
GBCHealth will host first meeting of the year for its members and key partners at De Beers Corporate Park in Johannesburg on Thursday 28 February 2013. The event is sponsored by De Beers and will be conducted in English with French and Portuguese translations. Read more >>

Call for papers on medical humanities
The Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WiSER) is calling for papers to be submitted by 1pm on Friday 1 March 2013 for a forthcoming conference 2-4 September 2013 on 'Body Knowledge: Medicine and the Humanities in Conversation'. Read more >>

Hospital Groups

Seven years of success
[Issued by COHSASA] The Council for Health Service Accreditation of Southern Africa (COHSASA) has a successful seven-year history working with the HPCA (Hospice Palliative Care Association) of South Africa. There are currently 27 hospices accredited to internationally recognised standards in South Africa. Read more >>  visit press office >>

Medical Aid

NHI proposals still not ready
[Tamar Kahn] The Treasury's delayed discussion document on financing options for National Health Insurance (NHI) will probably not be released with the 2013 Budget‚ it emerged in parliament last week. Read more >>

Medical Research

Yale study reveals origins of body fat
[Bill Hathaway] Yale School of Medicine researchers have answered a question millions regularly and plaintively ask themselves: Where did all that fat come from? Read more >>

Life's tiniest architects pinpointed by Yale researchers
[Bill Hathaway] If a genome is the blueprint for life, then the chief architects are tiny slices of genetic material that orchestrate how we are assembled and function, Yale School of Medicine researchers report 21 February 2013 in the journal Developmental Cell. Read more >>


Sour results of a sweet addiction
[Estelle Ellis] Desperate to lose weight but just can't let go of those fizzy drinks, cookies, chocolates? You might, literally, be addicted to sugar. Read more >>

Pop myths about obesity
If you think that sex helps you lose weight, that you need to be "ready" before starting a diet, or that breast feeding prevents children developing obesity, you would be wrong. Read more >>

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Fertility clinics are for both parties
Speaking during Reproductive Health Month in February, gynaecologist, obstetrician and fertility specialist, Dr Herman Netshidzivhani, said the perception that infertility mainly affects women is incorrect. It has been shown that fertility complications are found equally in men and women. Read more >>


Breast cancer gene provides vital clue to bowel cancer drug resistance
Having too many copies of a gene linked to breast cancer might be the reason why some bowel cancer patients fail to respond to certain targeted drugs, according to a study published in the British Journal of Cancer. Read more >>

Defending the web: Internet medical info can help combat cancer
ITHACA, NY, USA: Some think pursuing information on WebMD fuels a person's inner hypochondriac, but when it comes to cancer, could Internet research actually make us healthier? Read more >>

Public Health

Doctors' overtime claims to be audited
The Gauteng Health department said on Sunday (24 February) it would call in the SA Revenue Service (SARS) to audit overtime claims submitted by doctors in some hospitals. Read more >>

Women's Health

Special school assemblies to discuss rape
The Department of Basic Education, in partnership with LEAD SA, has announced a major initiative to raise awareness and educate South Africa's 10.2 million learners about rape. Read more >>

Hunger strike for SA students in Cuba
About 190 South African medical students in Cuba are on a hunger strike, demanding a bigger monthly stipend. Read more >>

Mobile phones aid disaster relief
XAI-XAI, MOZAMBIQUE: As Mozambique struggles to recover from the worst flooding in more than a decade, aid agencies are pioneering the use of mobile phones to distribute aid and, they hope, cut the cost of logistics in disaster zones. Read more >>

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2013 Biz Trends Report

93 pages
49 contributors
41 contributions

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krcrc krcrc
Managing Director at Kovai Respiratory Care & Research Center
homoeocure homoeocure
Dr. Ram Sarup Sharma Clinic at Dr. Ram Sarup Sharma Clinic
gapio gapio
mechandiser at GAPIO
drsabharwal drsabharwal
Doctor at Dr. Sabharwal's Wound Care
Mr. Muthu Subramanian
Medical Oncology

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