5 Feb 2013

Medical South Africa


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Editorial news


HPCSA extends deadline for submissions on medical tariffs
The Medical and Dental Professions Board of the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) has extended by 21 days the deadline for submissions to determine guideline tariffs for medical and dental services. Read more >>

Win BIG in the BizBigBucks Competition and celebrate Valentine's Day your way!
[Issued by Bizcommunity] Come on, admit, you'd love R5000 in cash, right? Whisk your true love away for a romantic St Valentine's weekend... or not... Maybe it's that set of golf clubs you saw that need your fingerprints all over them... Well, here's your chance to do just that, and it's so easy... Read more >>  visit press office >>

Emergency Procedures

Pretoria train crash - cable theft the cause?
Two passenger trains packed with communters and school children collided near outside Pretoria on Thursday (31 January). At least two people died, 19 were in a critical condition and more than 150 people were hospitalised, Read more >>

Exhibitions & Events

Dragon Boat Challenge - Have you got what it takes?
[Issued by Corporate Games] This February, 3rd South Africa, Official License Holder of Corporate Games South Africa, is challenging companies to battle it out on the sea for the grand prize of complimentary practice sessions leading up to the Cape Town Corporate Games in June 2013. Read more >>  visit press office >>

Food Crisis

Food wastage continues as SA's people go hungry
[Sue Blaine] South Africa produces an estimated 9.04m tons of food waste a year, creating problems for food security, greenhouse gas emissions and waste disposal according to Suzan Oelofse, a scientist at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. Read more >>

Medical Aid

Health insurance policy dispute to drag on
The dispute between what should constitute a health insurance policy and what is the terrain of medical schemes looks set to drag on for some time. Read more >>

Medical aid chairman loses bid
The North Gauteng High Court has dismissed an application brought by the chairman of Liberty Medical Scheme, Dan Pienaar to stop the Council for Medical Schemes investigating whether he is fit for his job. Read more >>


Study shows 30% of black women are obese
Almost one third of black South African women are obese, the SA Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) said on Monday (4 February) Read more >>

New guidelines on dietary salt, potassium
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has released new guidelines on dietary salt and potassium to reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Read more >>

Chad le Clos becomes Futurelife ambassador
Health food range, Futurelife, has announced its partnership with South African swimming star, Olympic Gold Medalist and South African sportsman of the year, Chad le Clos. (video) Read more >>


40% of cancers can be prevented
Yesterday, 4 February 2013, was World Cancer Day and South Africans are reminded that an estimated 40% of cancers can be prevented through the adoption of a healthy lifestyle, regular medical check-ups and taking preventative action, such as getting vaccinated. Read more >>

New South African organisation for chronic myeloid leukaemia patients
A new organisation for chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) patients, CML South Africa, has been launched. This first official South African patient support and advocacy group serves to empower those battling with this very rare form of cancer, by providing a collective voice, relevant and up-to-date information and support to advance the needs of CML patients as a whole. Read more >>

Public Health

Immunisation for Western Cape through Clicks Clinics
Immunisation and family planning services will be offered in the Western Cape through the Clicks clinics, following a partnership agreement between the group and the Western Cape Department of Health. Read more >>

Health communication platform launches in South Africa
FolUp, a mobile and web-based health communication platform that connects doctors and patients, has officially launched in South Africa. This innovative social platform allows each to collaborate and actively participate in improving care and patient satisfaction. Read more >>

[2013 trends] SA's youth trend-o-meter
[HDI Youth Marketeers Team] Young South Africa is savvier than ever before. If you are looking for a smart and discerning prosumer, this group of kids, teens and young adults will give you more kicks than you've ever bargained for. They know just what they are looking for from any brand, and this makes them that much more satisfying to please. Here are a few trends to look out for in 2013. Read more >>

Women's Health

Cost of cervical cancer vaccinations must come down in SA
Cervical cancer, which affects more women in South Africa than any other cancer and kills 3000 women annually, could largely be prevented by vaccination but the high costs make this unattainable in South Africa. Read more >>

Genes and obesity: Fast food is not only culprit in expanding waistlines - DNA is also to blame
Researchers at UCLA say it's not just what you eat that makes those pants tighter - it's also genetics. In a new study, scientists discovered that body-fat responses to a typical fast-food diet are determined in large part by genetic factors, and they have identified several genes they say may control those responses. Read more >>

Doctors are paid for overtime says health department
Doctors in Gauteng public hospitals are being paid for overtime worked, the provincial health department said on Monday (4 February) Read more >>

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New people on biz

Ndiyudi Phiri
Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery with Master in Public health
Gareth Barford
Medical Representative
Fred Guerra
Guerra Dental
Perth Dental Centre
Emergency Dentist Perth
Sandra Daniel
Service Social

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