24 Apr 2012

Medical | South Africa


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NHI stillborn without doctors
A critical shortage of medical doctors could hamper the successful implementation of the government's ambitious National Health Insurance. Read more >>


Mothers Unite wins Deutsche Bank Urban Age Award
An independent jury has selected Mothers Unite from Lavender Hill as the winning entry for the 2012 Deutsche Bank Urban Age Award (DBUAA) Cape Town. Chosen from a pool of 254 entries and a shortlist of eight finalists, the project will receive a prize of R750 000. Read more >>

Community project supported by Perdeberg Winery
As part of its ongoing commitment to community-orientated projects that assist in educating its workers, Perdeberg is providing vital education in conjunction with the Industry Association for the Responsible Use of Alcohol, known as ARA. Read more >>

Exhibitions and Events

FDA to discuss future of clinical trials in SA
Building quality and efficiency into clinical trial development for improved trial outcomes is a hot topic scheduled for deliberation at the upcoming Clinical Trials Summit taking place at The Radisson Blu Gautrain in Johannesburg from 14 - 16 May 2012. Read more >>

Financial services

Gauteng ready to pilot NHI
The Gauteng provincial government has announced plans to kick-start its pilot projects for the National Health Insurance (NHI). Read more >>

Comment wanted on health cover regulations
The Treasury invited comment on Tuesday on draft regulations for short-term and long-term health insurance. Read more >>

Medical Technology

SA's first oestrogen metabolism gene test available
Local molecular biotechnology firm, DNAlysis Biotechnology announced the availability of South Africa's first oestrogen metabolism gene test last week, 18 April 2012. The test will identify 12 gene variations involved in oestrogen metabolism and detoxification in women, a significant contribution in the prevention of breast cancer. Read more >>


Symptoms that mimic epilepsy linked to stress, poor coping skills
Based on their clinical experience and observations, a team of Johns Hopkins physicians and psychologists say that more than one-third of the patients admitted to The Johns Hopkins Hospital's inpatient epilepsy monitoring unit for treatment of intractable seizures have been discovered to have stress-triggered symptoms rather than a true seizure disorder. Read more >>

New medication offers hope to patients with frequent, uncontrollable seizures
A new type of anti-epilepsy medication that selectively targets proteins in the brain that control excitability may significantly reduce seizure frequency in people whose recurrent seizures have been resistant to even the latest medications, new Johns Hopkins-led research suggests. Read more >>


Protein 'block' kills childhood cancer cells
An experimental drug that blocks an essential cell protein could be used to treat Wilms' tumour, a childhood cancer that affects the kidneys. Read more >>

Adding chemo to radiotherapy halves risk of deadly bladder cancer returning
Bladder cancer patients given low doses of chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy were nearly 50% less likely to relapse with the most lethal form of the disease compared to those given radiotherapy alone, a major trial funded by Cancer Research UK showed Wednesday, 18 April 2012. Read more >>

Pharmaceutical companies

Pfizer nears USD9bn deal with Nestle
NEW YORK, USA: US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is close to reaching a US$9 billion deal to sell its infant nutrition business to Nestle, according to the Wall Street Journal. Read more >>

Aspen hails decision to boost locally made medicines
[Tamar Kahn] SA's biggest drug manufacturer, Aspen Pharmacare, on Friday welcomed the announcement by Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies that the pharmaceuticals sector had been designated as one in which the government would purchase selected products exclusively from domestic manufacturers. Read more >>

Xingwana aims to clarify New York trip expenditure
[Gabi Khumalo] The Department for Women, Children and People with Disabilities has refuted claims that it spent over R6m for a delegation to undertake a trip to New York last year. Read more >>

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Sonja Pocock
Sales and Marketing Representative at Adcock Ingram
Dieprebra Solomon Bigbo
Assistant HOD, laboratory services at Bolouebi Associates


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