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My main responsibilities are attending to the needs of current corporate clients whilst actively seeking new business
opportunities. My duties include sourcing pricing and stock availability for client requests. Other tasks include providing
basic technical information, booking in faulty equipment and ensuring orders placed through me are placed, received and
I managed my own performance with a call log sheet and quotation list of what I sent out on a weekly basis. I attended to
any other minor requests to assist the rest of the team in their tasks. I also assisted in booking site evaluations with the
technical team so they may view client's needs. I build relationships with customers by doing curtesy calls and by
ensuring all requests are always up to date.
My main responsibilities are attending to the needs of current corporate clients whilst actively seeking new business
opportunities. My duties include sourcing pricing and stock availability for client requests. Other tasks include providing
basic technical information, booking in faulty equipment and ensuring orders placed through me are placed, received and
I managed my own performance with a call log sheet and quotation list of what I sent out on a weekly basis. I attended to
any other minor requests to assist the rest of the team in their tasks. I also assisted in booking site evaluations with the
technical team so they may view client's needs. I build relationships with customers by doing curtesy calls and by
ensuring all requests are always up to date.