A magazine for Indian women

Are SA publishing houses ever going to consider publishing a glossy for Indian women?

I'm getting kind of tired of buying magazines that see me as a token nod to the rainbow nation (I can just see editors asking themselves "should we put a coloured or Indian woman in this story/picture?"), and where the possibility of an Indian woman being on the cover is slim to none. (No Aishwarya Rai does NOT count- besides - she's not made it onto a mainstream SA magazine cover.)

Black women have worked long and hard to see magazines such as True Love, Bona Move and Drum on the shelves (that these are still outnumbered by the traditionally white magazines is just ridiculous ) So when do I get a look in?

I have a distinct culture while I live a somewhat Westernised life - I'm rich, want to buy stuff, and want to read about (smart Indian) women like me - and want to see women who look like me and wear my traditional clothing and the great western brands i buy in fantastic fashion spreads.

Major retail companies see me as a very distinct market, and yet don't have a dedicated print channel to target me through.

I'm an accepted feature of South African life, and yet my culture, while recognisable to others but often misrepresented and stereotyped, doesn't get the glossy print treatment.

I'd really like to be able to shell out R25 for a magazine that speaks to me - instead of making my way to The Oriental Plaza to shell out R80 for a magazine produced for British Asians (who I have very little but genetics in common with) and imported to SA. Soon, a magazine for South Asians produced in the US will also be available here. That's probably going to cost me a bomb too - and showcase fashion, people and places that have nothing to do with South African Indian heritage.

I wonder why, as a distinct market segment, a recognisable portion of South African society, and a reader, my needs are so ignored?

Am I the only one who thinks a glossy magazine, with fantastic production values and good writing, and pictures of women I can relate to, is long overdue in the women's magazine stables of South African media houses?

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