News South Africa

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Marketing & Media
How ‘ethical influencers’ engage their audiences about saving the planet

 16 May 2024

Image supplied. Gary Koetser, CEO of Century City Conference Centre and Hotels gives 8 best practices for greener events
Marketing & Media
8 best practices for greener events

 16 May 2024

Mastering meme marketing: Strategies for brands
Marketing & Media
Mastering meme marketing: Strategies for brands

,  16 May 2024

Wits students set up Palestinian solidarity encampment
Wits students set up Palestinian solidarity encampment

 16 May 2024

Source: iStock.
Opposition mounts against NHI Bill

15 May 2024

Construction through coaching
Construction & Engineering
Construction through coaching

,  16 May 2024

President Cyril Ramaphosa gestures ahead of signing into law a national health bill that aims to provide universal coverage to South Africans, at the Union Buildings. Source: Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko
Energy & Mining
Energy transition is an ANC election campaign obstacle

 16 May 2024

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