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Metro FM Website  [Article] Station kicks off 21st birthday celebrations  Posted on: 30 Aug 2007 11:54  Number of replies: 0

Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What about the website, it's been down since Mid-May and we were promised that it would be up and running by the end of June. That was ridiculously long a period enough between May and June but at this point...............really now.

But nevertheless, Happy Birthday Metro. FIX THE SITE PLEEEASE.

YFM  [Forum] Mass resignations @ yfm!  Posted on: 24 Jul 2007 15:14  Number of replies: 0

Ayeye YFM. For some strange reason, all this was inevitable. For the past year and a half, YFM has had a complete turnaround. Just this morning, I was reflecting back on the old YFM back in 2001,2002,2003 and 2004, that was when YFM was at it's peak, it was the one and only and best Radio station worth listening to and it sounded fantastic, form the days of Phat Joe, DJ Fresh, Khabzela, Bad Boy T (Harambe) Rudeboy & Unathi etc....but now things have changed. Yes change is good and it always happens and should happen but it was just too much to stomach at once. Fresh, Thomas and Sbu resigning at once indicated that something bad was about to go down and it is slowly revealing itself.

It's funny how things happen, not so long ago, Mr Programme Manager Bondo Ntuli was saying how people should and will take time to get used to the whole change. Now he has done the ducking, I saw this coming and I guess the fire was too hot hey!!! Clearly senior Management at YFM are questionable. We will just have to sit back and watch this space, I just hope YFM does not turn end up like Radio Bop, DEAD.

SABC-Supersport and Marawa  [Article] SABC up in arms over PSL, Supersport  Posted on: 20 Jun 2007 13:42  Number of replies: 0

I had a feeling Marawa would be booted, Dali Mpofu is an idiot so it was inevitable that he would do that. But then there are very few private stations in the country, maybe he might and should opt for 702 because unfortunately the predominant stations belong to the SABC. He has minimal options, YFM, Kaya etc. There's no private station that is national, I wonder.

PSL, Supersport and SABC  [Article] SABC up in arms over PSL, Supersport  Posted on: 15 Jun 2007 13:54  Number of replies: 0

I bet wherever Robert Marawa is, he's giving himself a serious pat on the shoulder, he bounced off from SABC sport to Supersport as if he saw this coming hey!!!
Well, granted.....PSL downplayed the SABC and capitalised on the fact that the situation between SABC and PSL was still under heavy negotiation and pending for anything further. Maybe this counts in favour of the SABC and might make the case liable for review but then's not like SABC will then give us the best when it comes to sport viewing, they don't even have a channel dedicated to sport alone. Yes, it might cost a lot for them and a bit extra for us (maybe higher prices for TV Licences) but hey....they should not fight as if they'll give us something better. So Dali Mpofu should not act all Macho about it, my understanding from what I heard this morning was that it's a done deal. We'll have to sit and watch this space but nothing different might come out, it might just be a fruitless battle. I do not have DSTV but I am not complaining either, SABC should learn from this, they cant take a bite in the ass, well take it buddies.

Jeeeez  [Article] New marketing manager for Metro FM  Posted on: 22 May 2007 11:59  Number of replies: 0

Wow!!! Isn't it amazing how much hype an appointment of a Marketing Manager at Metro FM can create. I don't have much to say, 99% of you all don't even know the guy and already comments are flying high. Chill peeps, brother hasn't even started his new job and mouths and eyes are open. Tjo tjo tjo, I feel fo Metro and him....Anyway I'm just happy that they are finally doing something about their website, it's the only radio station in the country with such an outdated website. Don't hate.

RE: Ali about 5FM  [Article] 5FM unveils lineup changes  Posted on: 5 Apr 2007 15:28  Number of replies: 0

My brother here's a point. Yes, 5FM are trying to lure in black listeners. The reality of it all is that black listeners dominate urban Radio, white listeners are tuned into 702, SAFM, RSG,Radio 2000 etc. Black listeners range up to +/- 11million listeners in between the urban staions, Metro FM, YFM, Ukhozi FM, Highveld and of course 5FM. White listeners that listen to Urban Radio are not more than 2million in total and out of 2million listeners, only 25% respond/react to adverts that go on air so they need a bigger market which is who???? BLACK PEOPLE.

So 5FM are making a business move, a difficult but serious one that they have to make. At the end of the day it's about stations generating a healthy income and maintaining a beautiful budget you see!!! 5FM therefore has to accomodate black listeners. With regards to music and playlisting, every station has to play a variety of music in half an hour. You cannot format hip-hop for 30minutes, R&B for anoither 30minutes and kwaito house etc, every station does that, maybe you do not pay that much attention to Radio, you would notice that it happens at every station, the aim is to accomodate different genres ina short space of time. Unfortuantely 5FM will not change anything, they are becoming almost identical to Metro except they still play rock, which Metro will never do.

Nuff said, take me away.

YFM vs SABC Radio  [Article] Bad Boy T for Metro breakfast show  Posted on: 3 Apr 2007 14:39  Number of replies: 0

I got to wake up at 5:00am on Monday the 2nd to start up with the new lineup and I started with Lusi Tan. He's not bad, he managed to blend in at YFM, as Radio 1 said, it's not fireworks but it's a show you can listen to, he's much better to his predecessor, Bridget. I kept switching channels between Rudeboy Paul and Bad Boy T because you cannot really judge and make decision from the on set, the least one can do is be fair and judge from what you've heard. The shows are just ok, Bad Boy's show is still formatted like his previous 12-3slot on Metro, not much difference that would indicate that it's a breakfast show now, except for sports, finance news, newspaper headlines, financial indicators etc etc. But then again, every breakfast show does that and they are supposed to so there isn't much of a distinctin on the show. I was always hoping Bad Boy would get breakfast and I'm happy he did he's obviously doing a much better job than Azania but the show is just like I said earlier, OK. But I'll still keep an ear. Rudeboy and Sanza, same situation, much better than Pabi but nothing's different, I do not have much to say about that but it's not exactly kick ass. I spent most of my morning in between switching stations and at 6:30, I tuned into Ukhozi FM when Sbu's show started and it sounded good. Zulu is not the issue and in fact he declared that he will learn proper Zulu while he's on air at Ukhozi and all his listeners support that. He got the most fantastic welcome from co-workers, listeners, supporters, must say it was a great 1st day for him and he sounds good, still learning the ropes and getting used to broadcasting to 6.7 million listeners, makes him wet his pants everytime he thinks about it. But all in all, it was a great Ukhozi breakfast, even today's show was nice. One thing for sure is I will keep switching between S'bu and Bad Boyt T. Last week I was wondering who it was going to be between Bad Boy, S'bu, Gareth and Rudeboy, now it's downsized to Bad Boy and S'bu. Kamakazi I'll pass, there's nothing that grabs my attention.
Glenzito sounds nice with Unathi and Melanie but Unathi is going to end up as another someone as opposed to the co-host/producer, she moved from being an independent host but I enjoyed yesterday's show, I was never one to listen to Glen Lewis but yesterday I tuned in from start to finish. Nice one, hope it remains good, some competition for Chilli M and DJ fresh.
Penny Lebyane is good, here show is well formatted and as always, she talks, talks but she's good, she's giving AK and Lee competition. And surprisingly enough, Pabi's show was interesting and good, I have to say, nice one, really worth listening to. Big up to Radio. Mo from YFM 6-9PM, very good show, worth listening to. I'm out. Sorry for the long story

YFM and SABC Radio  [Article] Rudeboy Paul breakfasts at YFM  Posted on: 3 Apr 2007 14:33  Number of replies: 0

I got to wake up at 5:00am on Monday the 2nd to start up with the new lineup and I started with Lusi Tan. He's not bad, he managed to blend in at YFM, as Radio 1 said, it's not fireworks but it's a show you can listen to, he's much better to his predecessor, Bridget. I kept switching channels between Rudeboy Paul and Bad Boy T because you cannot really judge and make decision from the on set, the least one can do is be fair and judge from what you've heard. The shows are just ok, Bad Boy's show is still formatted like his previous 12-3slot on Metro, not much difference that would indicate that it's a breakfast show now, except for sports, finance news, newspaper headlines, financial indicators etc etc. But then again, every breakfast show does that and they are supposed to so there isn't much of a distinctin on the show. I was always hoping Bad Boy would get breakfast and I'm happy he did he's obviously doing a much better job than Azania but the show is just like I said earlier, OK. But I'll still keep an ear. Rudeboy and Sanza, same situation, much better than Pabi but nothing's different, I do not have much to say about that but it's not exactly kick ass. I spent most of my morning in between switching stations and at 6:30, I tuned into Ukhozi FM when Sbu's show started and it sounded good. Zulu is not the issue and in fact he declared that he will learn proper Zulu while he's on air at Ukhozi and all his listeners support that. He got the most fantastic welcome from co-workers, listeners, supporters, must say it was a great 1st day for him and he sounds good, still learning the ropes and getting used to broadcasting to 6.7 million listeners, makes him wet his pants everytime he thinks about it. But all in all, it was a great Ukhozi breakfast, even today's show was nice. One thing for sure is I will keep switching between S'bu and Bad Boyt T. Last week I was wondering who it was going to be between Bad Boy, S'bu, Gareth and Rudeboy, now it's downsized to Bad Boy and S'bu. Kamakazi I'll pass, there's nothing that grabs my attention.
Glenzito sounds nice with Unathi and Melanie but Unathi is going to end up as another someone as opposed to the co-host/producer, she moved from being an independent host but I enjoyed yesterday's show, I was never one to listen to Glen Lewis but yesterday I tuned in from start to finish. Nice one, hope it remains good, some competition for Chilli M and DJ fresh.
Penny Lebyane is good, here show is well formatted and as always, she talks, talks but she's good, she's giving AK and Lee competition. And surprisingly enough, Pabi's show was interesting and good, I have to say, nice one, really worth listening to. Big up to Radio. Mo from YFM 6-9PM, very good show, worth listening to. I'm out. Sorry for the long story.

RE: Paris Hilton  [Article] Rudeboy Paul breakfasts at YFM  Posted on: 29 Mar 2007 15:21  Number of replies: 0

Paris Hilton, you still have a lot to learn about Radio.
Radio stations and DJ's sign contracts between themselves every beginning of April to the end of March each year, so it's not about doing a lineup cahnge for the fun of it. So on a yearly basis they re-negotiate contracts and assess wheteher a DJ stays on the same slot, moves to a different slot, stays in the same job or resigns. So that is basically what happens, it's like a review of your job every year. So YFM and Metro FM are not exchanging DJ's I do not think any of them have the time and energy for that kind of nonsense. Nothing hectic, simple as that. Hope you understand, do not take offence

DJ Fresh and 5FM  [Article] 5FM unveils lineup changes  Posted on: 29 Mar 2007 14:59  Number of replies: 0

Yes, unfortuantely even if our Big Dawg DJ Fresh realises yhe is not that happy at 5FM , he can't go. It sounds like he has signed a 5 year contract and if he revokes anytime before his contract lapses, they will sue him until he has no money to pour petrol in his Jeep. But then again, Fresh has a privileged background, he never grew up on the streets tsa ko kasi, playing soccer barefoot in Soweto or wherever. He grew up as a rich kid in the suburbs of Botswana, he went to school with white kids, he listened to Radio Capital and Radio 5(which is now 5FM) so he can very well identify with the setup, the genre, the people, and everything ther e so he ight jot even be unhappy there. Honestly, I listen to the show just because it's DJ Fresh but it's not really an ass-kicking show and maybe that's because it's 5FM you know.

Radio  [Article] Rudeboy Paul breakfasts at YFM  Posted on: 28 Mar 2007 16:30  Number of replies: 0

I have made my comments on this, probably noted. Here's a question...Does anyone have an idea what the salary ranges for these Radio jocks. People like Gareth, Fresh, Bad Boy T, Glenzito, DJ S'bu, Rudeboy Paul, Chilli M etc? I'm just curious really. And how do they decide on how they pay you as a Radio jock, is it accoprding to your slot or your listenership??? Can the Radio buffs get back on this one please. All I can say is...big up to Radio, there's more than enough good shows for us to switch channels to whichever, whenever.

Nice one  [Article] 5FM unveils lineup changes  Posted on: 28 Mar 2007 16:15  Number of replies: 0

Just when I thought 5FM was the only station which had nothing to give for the new April line-up, they produced. I say big up. Nice one for DJ Euphonik, we will wait and hear what he has to offer, he does not talk much so I never thought he would want to become a Radio DJ. Stands to be heard, we shall see/hear. The weekend lineup seems like a setup for all the sidekicks to unveil their abilities Poppy/KB/Catherine and the new one's. Hope they can all crack it. Good luck, thanks to 5FM.

Morning breakfast  [Article] Rudeboy Paul breakfasts at YFM  Posted on: 28 Mar 2007 09:22  Number of replies: 0

I think it was only inevitable that the next breakfast host at YFM would be Rudeboy Paul, there is/was no one left to head it up, would not have been a wise idea to put Chilli M on the morning slot, he's good as an afternoon host. I think ever since I started giving serious attention to Radio for the past 5years or so, I have to rate this as the most competitive Radio lineup af all time. For the past 11 months since Fresh left YFM breakfast, i tried tuning in to Y'd awake, it was not working, Metro breakfast with Azania could not do it for me, I had never listend to Mark Gillman and he had about 2months left on 5FM so I could not really build a relationship with a show that was about to end. So I would tune in and out of different stations. Eventually on July 3rd, I started listening to Gareth Cliff's breakfast show and it has been the same since then till now. Now I'm stuck guys, come the 2nd April 2007, it's gonna get crazy. I honestly don't know who it will be. I love Bad Boy T as hell, I'm ecstatic that S'bu is back on Radio, I love Gareth Cliff's show, I've been waking up to it for the past 9months and love it. And I'd also love to listen to Rudeboy Paul. FOUR breakfast shows that are going head to head, I really don't know.

We will see but big up to Radio, advertisers, here's your chance to make money, Radio is delivering. Bad Boy T vs Gareth Cliff vs DJ S'bu vs Rudeboy Paul, angazi.

YFM and Metro Lineup  [Article] Bad Boy T for Metro breakfast show  Posted on: 24 Mar 2007 12:47  Number of replies: 0

Here's my thinking. Dre just announced today, (Saturday 24th) that she's also leaving YFM so exclude her from the possible lineup. I was checking out Radio 1's possible lineup for YFM. If it's true that Thato's being moved to weekends 9-12, I will slit my wrists. Thato is good as a prime time slot co-host (breakfast and drive time), they can't shift him to his own weekend show (FUCK NO). He started big, he was the co-host/producer of the Eezy Drive with the Big Dawg Fresh, then hopped on to Breakfast with DJ fresh, still he did wonders. Then they insulted him and put Pabi on the controlling table and made him a co-host and they put loud mouth Macfarlane Moleli as a producer for Breakfast, soon he (Macfarlane) was taken off air coz of his incompetency and coz he was too loud. Now it's more insulting to give Pabi a 5day slot and Thato a 2day weekend slot, my thinking is Thato is better than Pabi, somebody please tell me how Bondo Ntuli got to thinking that Pabi is a brand, SHE'S NOT DAMMN IT!!!

Sorry for all that but bottom line, it's too damn wrong.

As for Metro FM, Matona Ntshona worries me at times, I also wonder why Mr Leo Manne has not uttered a sentence about the lineup, our station manager seems to have taken the job title too much to her head. Although Leo's programming ideas have been whack, I think he also needs to go, maybe Matona also realised Leo's not good at creating a good lineup so she did it herself. I just disagree with taking Sentle to a nighttime slot, he's good he needs an audience that is awake and active, his talent is being wasted. Hopefully Segale will give a good show on his Saturday 2-6pm lineup, stands to be heard.
I always wondered about his title at Metro, what does an iimage consultant or whatever at a Radio station do???

Glenzito and Unathi, we will wait and hear what they have to offer, it's a questionable combination. I'll listen between 15:00 and 16:00, I still dedicate drivetime to the Fresh Drive @ 5FM, 16:00-19:00, still the best by far for me. As for Mzekezeke a.k.a. DJ Sbu Leope on Ukhozi, I also wonder, I checked the Ukhozi FM website and the DJ's are all so old, I didn't even know Magubane from Emzinzi Wezinsizwa was a DJ at Ukhozi,now imagine Sbu being at the same station with guys like that. I was always hoping that Metro FM management would offer him a slot, I guess they were not interested in him, he would not fit at 5FM and he's not Tswana speaking so Motsweding was out of the question but Ukhozi??? SIZOBONA, let's tune in on the 2nd April to hear what he has to offer, then we will know what to listen to in the morning, Bad Boy T, Sbu, Gareth Cliff or Rudeboy Paul.

I'm out. April the 2nd is the day, till then keep it locked to all the channels to hear what is offered.

Hola my peeps!!!

What's up a YFM?  [Article] Bad Boy T for Metro breakfast show  Posted on: 23 Mar 2007 13:05  Number of replies: 0

Does anyone know what the new line up for YFM from April 2nd is? Rumour is Rudeboy Paul is taking over the breakfast show. Chilli and Dineo are staying on the Essential Rush(3-6pm). It's still a question that between Pabi and Mo, who's taking the 12-3slot and who's taking the 9-12 but Pabi's definitely leaving breakfast and Mo's getting a daytime slot. Don't know who's taking over Mo's midnight to 3am but that's not much of n issue. Somebody please enlighten us on the new YFM lineup.

And what do you think about DJ S'bu on Ukhozi, he's a good, versatile outgoing and good for breakfast personality but Ukhozi's a hardcore Zulu station, I wonder!!!

Big Up Metro  [Article] Bad Boy T for Metro breakfast show  Posted on: 23 Mar 2007 10:16  Number of replies: 0

When Bad Boy T started on Metro, I sent him an e-mail and said Metro should hook him up with the Breakfast slot on Metro, next April when they do their line up change, u can imagine how I feel now. It's a great move, his versatiltity will enable him to slide through the slot, trust me, he is good. Azania on 9-12 is okay, her being on breakfast was not a good idea anyway. Even when she was on the afternoon drive route 3-6, it was still not a bright move so it's good that she's gone to 9-12. I'm happy about Adil's move to Metro, although it's a bit skew seeing that he had two shows during the weekend at YFM and how he moves over to a bigger station but only has one show to do. Granted, the Metro TOP40 will give him bigger exposure and might even make him a brand so we will just have to see and he's also starting a new Top 40 slot, the one including local songs, great move Metro. As for Penny, we will see. yes she is good and maybe she will have more to bring in now that she's gone prime time, finally it paid off for her. Glen and Unathi, let us not be pessimistic, you never know, the Avenue might just go from big to huge. Unathi si good as a co-host so combined with the Teddy Bear, they might give us something great to listen to while on our way home.

Let's watch this space. In all honesty, Metro has by far given us a reasonably good line-up.

Let's do Biz