Taping of MTV Base Meets Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama being taped at MTV Base Meets Michelle Obama - credit Leeroy Jason
Michelle Obama answers questions at MTV Base Meets Michelle Obama taping - credit Leeroy Jason
Michelle Obama at the Sci-Discovery Centre, Newtown, South Africa - credit Leeroy Jason
Michelle Obama during taping of MTV Base Meets Michelle Obama - credit Leeroy Jason
Michelle Obama during taping of MTV Base Meets Michelle Obama - credit Leeroy Jason
Michelle Obama during taping of MTV Base Meets Michelle Obama - credit Leeroy Jason
Michelle Obama during taping of MTV Base Meets Michelle Obama - credit Leeroy Jason
Michelle Obama during taping of MTV Base Meets Michelle Obama (close-up) - credit Leeroy Jason
Michelle Obama addresses African youth during South African state visit - credit Leeroy Jason
Michelle Obama talks Connecting Continents in South Africa