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    To all those job-seekers out there

    Reflections from a would-be employer

    I recently placed an ad for a PA on BizCommunity. I have been overwhelmed with responses. Because of the endless flood, I had to make some harsh decisions. I made folders in my e-mail programme, labelled "not good enough", "worth looking at" etc. I want to tell all you job-seekers out there what made me decide what folder to put you in, with the intent of giving you constructive advice.

    1. Personalise your response. If a job has caught your eye, write a letter saying why.
    2. Check your CV. If you are careless about checking your spelling and grammar, the impression you will give is that you are careless in general.
    3. Don't apply for a job if you are not sure that you meet the requirements. It's just a waste of everyone's time, not least yours.
    4. Write your CV from your heart. Be genuine. Don't resort to hackneyed cliches.
    5. Beware of using CV services. I could tell when this was done, from the format and turn of phase. You might do better if you did it yourself!

    I realise that it is a tough world out there for job-seekers. But life is tough, and in order to succeed you have to up your game. You have to do your very best - and that starts with the attention you pay to your CV. Good luck!

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