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    Award Show Credits

    Local award shows should rethink the way the credits are filled in.

    The standard crediting system of local award shows (Loeries and Pendorings specifically) should be updated.

    Until now, one is not able to fill in one's own "job title" on the online entry page, but is forced to fit it into one of the standard ones like "art director" or "copywriter". In radio this has always been an issue, because even though a team (AD+CW) conceptualizes something, the AD has to be either a) left off the job since there isn't space for an AD credit, or b) be credited as a copywriter. This perpetuates the misconception that it's always the copywriter that came up with the concept all by him/herself.

    Now that advertising is moving into non-traditional media channels like Facebook and Twitter, this rigid crediting system breaks down even further in my opinion, since creative teams do a lot more strategizing as part of their initial brainstorming process.

    My suggestion is that the awards online entry page should have at least more options, like "concept", "strategy", "contributor" and the like, or have the "job title" space as blank so that one can fill in one's own.

    The international award shows already allow for this.

    Forum created by Bunny Chow
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