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Marketing & Media Forums South Africa

How do we change perceptions about Brand South Africa?

How Brand South Africa can use 2010 World Cup to Change Perceptions about the Brand

How do we change perceptions about Brand South Africa?

To change perceptions about Brand South Africa or any brand is probably one of the biggest challenges that Brand South Africa is facing. None of the flags, mirror covers, soccer jerseys or Diski dance will assist in changing perceptions about how the rest of the global community perceive South Africa to be. Yes, they are important auxiliary support elements, but not core, in changing perceptions about whom and what we are and how the world perceives us. We have now established that Brand South Africa is the people of this beautiful country of ours; the scenery and other attractions, whether man-made or natural, assist in building and enhancing the image of Brand South Africa.

One of the things we can do better or improve on, is the way we behave towards our brothers and sisters from the rest of the continent; after all this is the World Cup for Africa and the majority of people outside of the continent are unable to distinguish and see South Africa, as a separate country, but part of a collective, Africa.
Not so long ago, South Africa's image has almost been irreversibly tarnished as a result of the numerous xenophobic attacks. Job security, housing and “spouse robbery”, were some of the reasons given, why Brand South Africa attacked other African people from countries outside South Africa. In some parts of the country, we currently, still find people misplaced, as a results of the attacks. If we undertake a study/poll at this present moment, with people from the rest of the continent, to determine whether they feel/felt part of the World Cup, its energy, the economic gain perceptions and inclusion in the preparations to host the tournament; I assume the outcome/results/findings would be very low, when it comes to inclusion and feeling part of the event as the World Cup for Africa.
Did or will the rest of the continent benefit from this event? My unqualified answer would be no. But we still have an opportunity to make visitors from the rest of the continent who are coming to experience the tournament, feel welcome and at home and treat them with the respect every visitor to our country deserve. The tournament is also an opportunity to build relationships with other African people, already living in South Africa and to use this platform to put differences aside and built on what we have in common.

There are a number of South African companies who already have a presence in the rest of the continent and they can only benefit from Brand South Africa and how it engages with other African's, before, during and after the World Cup. It will also lay the foundation for other brands/companies who intends to diversify and enter new markets, especially on the continent.

Brand South Africa has the opportunity to support the other African teams, should they advance further in the competition. This is in the event of Bafana Bafana, not able to make it through to the finals. What is in place to support the other African teams? Does Brand South Africa know enough of the teams and do we have branding/promotional material to help boost their confidence and show our support for them as a perception changing imperative?

It is possible to make this an African World Cup to remember and change perceptions about Brand South Africa positively;…it starts with You and I!

Mulligan G. Pearce

Forum created by Mulligan Pearce
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