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Anger, Stress, Time Management and Life Coach | Wellington | Anger stress time management workshops and courses | |
Bethsaida Recovery Centre | Pretoria | Rehab | |
Bonact | Bloemfontein | Business Developments | |
Caterpillar Life Coaching Centre | Johannesburg | Life Coaching Centre for children and teens | |
Child Care South Africa | Durban | Child & Youth Development | |
Distance Education school .com | delhi | Distance Education | |
Elri Flamengo Psychology Practice | Langebaan | Online and face to face counselling. All ages. | |
Family Support Centre | Cape Town | Individual, couples, children Counselling | |
Marven Shuta | Whiteriver | Motivational Speakers/Leadership/Personnel Trainer | |
Healing Your Life SA NPC | Cape Town | Healing, Empowering Woman, Teens & Kids - Elderly | |
Laurel Wellness Centre | Durban | counselling | |
Moreetsi Wellness Institute | Krugersdorp | Wellness, Therapeutic Counseling | |
MS Consulting | Motivational Speaker | ||
My Debt Hero | Paarl | Debt review | |
Prevention and Recovery Center | Pearland | Addiction treatment center | |
Ruth Katz Consulting Social Worker | Johannesburg | Mental Health Care | |
Sandplay South Africa | Cape Town | Counselling, sandplay therapy, sandplay training | |
Think Big Recruitment | Cape Town | The most authentic HR & recruitment experience | |
Transformd - Executive Recruiting Solutions | Johannesburg | Executive Recruiting Solutions |
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