Lab-grown meat techniques aren't new but bringing them up to scale will require further developmentAndré O. Hudson
Mutant roots reveal how we can grow crops in damaged soilsMalcolm Bennett, Bipin Pandey and Sacha Mooney 18 Jan 2021
New mangrove forest mapping tool puts conservation in reach of coastal communitiesTrevor Gareth Jones 15 Jan 2021
Singapore approves cell-cultured chicken bites - who will be the first to try them?Chris Bryant 7 Dec 2020
We found a way to turn urine into solid fertiliser - it could make farming more sustainablePrithvi Simha, Björn Vinnerås and Jenna Senecal 10 Nov 2020
Smaller farmer's fields can reduce biodiversity loss and increase wild plants, birds, beetles and batsLenore Fahrig 13 Jul 2020
Coconut oil production threatens five times more species than palm oil - new findingsErik Meijaard 7 Jul 2020
Management of intact forestlands by indigenous peoples key to protecting climateJulie Mollins 24 Jan 2020
Coordinated global action is the best way to control the Fall Armyworm pestRémi Nono Womdim 19 Dec 2019