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Marketing How to Southern Africa

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    How stock footage can enhance your video marketing

    NEW YORK, US: If you aren't already doing video marketing of some sort, you should be thinking about it.

    You can experiment with any number of forms before finding the one that matches best to your capacity and your industry. As YouTube and other video-sharing sites have become so popular, it's reinforced the message that anyone - and everyone - can compete for much-coveted viral views. But companies have to think a bit differently, more strategically than the individual user. Their videos should be polished, focused, and compelling. Here are five killer video marketing tips.

    Whether you're making a sizzle reel or a behind-the-scenes look at your brand, you'll want to invest in some quality filmmaking. One area worth considering is how to incorporate stock video clips into the film. You can drop in a short, high-quality clip to break up self-promotional messaging and to give it a broader appeal. Stock video is similar stock imagery, which you can purchase and use in your marketing materials. Like with stock photos, there's local content that your company can draw from to help set the scene. Here are some South Africa-specific examples of stock footage and stock imagery and how they can enhance your video marketing.

    South African safari

    You can capture the wilderness South Africa has to offer without leaving your desktop computer. Think about the way that movies and TV shows open their stories and episodes, with a broad overview shot of a city or a region that helps orient the viewer. You can do the same: As soon as someone sees this elephant clip, they know that this video centres on an area known for its rich outdoors. From there, you can move in "closer" to the heart of your topic. South Africa has so many gorgeous clips that other countries might not, and marketers from within the country should take advantage of the opportunity to highlight that beauty.

    Supporting graphics

    Even if your subject matter is a bit more dense and number-centric, you can still find clever ways to implement colours and graphics that will keep people's attention. How many times have we all sat through long and drawn-out presentations that are far too text-heavy? You can change things up a bit with some video. In the example above, the map supports a slide about South Africa's economic growth. Include something like this clip as an introduction to a new section of your presentation. It's just one of the things that people will remember and talk about afterward, particularly if you include some video.

    A rare look back

    This clip is chock full of good clips you can slice down to use in your videos. The vintage black-and-white footage will set you up for a before-and-after look at industry in Johannesburg or to establish a timeline to show an evolution over time. Of particular note is the section that runs from 2:30 to 2:46 that conveys more than just an aerial shot of a city. You get a closer look at the way workers used to look a century ago. This kind of insight will add some flavour to your video as your viewers will be drawn to the story you're telling. Make sure that you think through and mock up a strategy to illustrate your points; video can be a good method to follow through on that plan and enhance the story you're telling.

    About Danny Groner

    Danny Groner is the manager of blogger partnerships and outreach for Shutterstock.
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