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    [BizCareers] Do's and don'ts on your CV

    Not sure whether or not to include a photo of yourself on your CV? What's the minimum amount of time you should stay at a company to avoid looking like a job-hopper? We answer both these questions this week.
    [BizCareers] Do's and don'ts on your CV
    © jennyb79 -

    Photo, or no photo

    Do you know what the etiquette is around putting your photo on your CV? Should I or shouldn't I? - Alyssa

    Hi Alyssa,

    Thank you for your question and getting in touch. In the past it has been quite popular to put your photo on your CV. However these days it's not something that employers really look for. You would have to think what the purpose of this would be? Is it to show you're not a one-eyed, green, fire-breathing alien? And if you are, why should you be denied the job if you have all the skills? So in essence it doesn't really serve a purpose. If you do decide to do so however, make sure it's a very professional, well-presented photo. The amount of CVs I've seen containing photos that are of candidates either a)bleary eyed and hanging on someone else with a beer in hand or b) dressed in their latest negligée, are too many to count. I've discarded these completely and won't even take the time to read further than the name. The best is a professionally taken head and shoulders shot, wearing corporate clothes, make-up, perfect hair and with a smile.

    Good luck!

    Avoid looking like a job-hopper

    I have been at my current company for two years now and just don't feel I'm getting anywhere. Is this quite a good track record or will it ruin my CV if I move on already? - Byron

    Hi Byron,

    Thanks for your question. Two years, I would say, is the minimum amount of time to stay at a company, anything less may seem as if you're a job-hopper. Of course there are exceptions - if the company closed or if you really weren't happy etc., but try and limit it to two years. All the best, and I hope you find what you're looking for!

    Remember to always love what you do!

    Email your questions for publication on Bizcommunity to moc.ytinummoczib@snoitseuqreerac.

    Please note:

    • To see your questions answered in the BizCareers Column, please word your recruitment, job or career queries carefully, paying special attention to spelling and grammar.

    • Answers and advice provided will be based on your questions/industry issues, so the more complete and the more accurate your questions, the better. Answers will only be provided through and not as direct responses from Juliette Attwell.

    • The answers provided to questions submitted by readers will be based on the content of questions themselves, current recruitment practices and current legislation in force at the time of writing, and are intended as advisory only and such advice is provided in good faith.

    • Readers' questions are submitted on the basis that neither Juliette Attwell, Recruit Group,, their management nor associates may be held liable in any manner whatsoever for any consequences that might result from the correspondence following the advice provided. Juliette Attwell, Recruit Group,, their management or associates shall under no circumstances be held liable for any error in responses provided in this column as to the references of the candidate, relating to his or her qualifications, skills, personality and experience; as to the compliance with the various legal and medical requirements relating to the performance, by the candidate, of his or her work, or any consequence whatsoever connected to the use of false/incomplete information.

    About Juliette Attwell

    Juliette Attwell is Head of Marketing & Operations at Recruitgroup. Recruitgroup has won Careerjunction Recruiter of the Year in 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2014 as well as Fast Growth Business of the Year at the National Business Awards 2014. Juliette holds a Bcom Honours in Marketing Management and is the resident "agony aunt" on the BizCareers Column, she was also a finalist in the Top Young Executive at the National Business Awards 2014.
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