Superbrands East Africa unveils selection criteria

A shortlist of key brands operating in the region will be created, over 2,500 East Africans will be asked to vote for the best brands and half of the top brands - depending on the length of the shortlist - will go through to the final stage of selection process while the rest will be eliminated.
The unveiling of the criteria comes a week to the launch of the second volume of Superbrands East Africa following the successful launch of the first edition last year. A total of 64 strong brands in East Africa featured in the book which pays tribute to brands that it considers exceptional through its programs. In Uganda, Mobile Telecommunication Network (MTN), the Mukwano Group, the New Vision Printing and Publishing Company were accorded Superbrands status.
Following allegations that it's selections criteria was unknown and biased, Jaffer said Superbrands is seeking to enhance the local selection process: “We will be looking to work with local partners to include consumer research into the existing selection process,” Jaffer said.