Leadership nuggets at AAA master class
Lascaris, talking about his journey from entrepreneur to one of the industry's most recognisable figures, gave ten leadership pointers.
- Set big bold goals
- Most solutions are simple
- Culture eats strategy for breakfast
- Be a passionate leader
- You have to be a tough minded optimist
- Silent and listen have the same letters
- Always attack the issues not the person
- The concerns of the nation should be the concerns of the corporate
- A good leader has a sense of humility
- Be aware of hubris
Pretorius, one of South Africa's most well known marketers and responsible for salvaging the then financially challenged McCarthy, spoke eloquently about his thoughts on leadership and lessons along the way.
These included that it is important to differentiate between management and leadership, as we tend over manage and under lead. To control, plan, implement - all of which is important - is management not inspirational leadership. "As a leader you need to have the courage to go first, give direction and provide energy."
"Visionary transformative leadership"
When you need to achieve results though the combined effort of other people, a leader must have a leadership philosophy. "Autocratic leadership is the mortal enemy of energy and motivation. It has run its race. The alternative is visionary transformative leadership coupled with a sense of servitude. Vision is seeing victory before it exists, but the victory must deliver benefits to those who helped along the way. Never look down at people who look up to you."
Both have incorporated lessons from Mandela into their leadership styles over the years. From Lascaris was the acknowledgement that a good leader has a sense of humility, from Pretorius "as Mandela said in his inaugural speech as President - I am here not to lead. I am here to serve."
The next Leadership Master Class agenda includes Grant Meldrum, Aubrey Malden and John Griffin and will take place on 26 July, 7am-12.30pm. For more, email Ruvimbo Tengende at az.oc.bhjloohcsaaa@tobmivur.