Infrastructure, Innovation & Technology News South Africa

Litha goes green for good

Last week was Green Office Week in South Africa but the desire to go green should extend to a year round drive to preserve the planet and improve society as a whole.

"At Litha Communications, our social vision is to inspire children to have a positive future in a healthy environment. We seek to offset the carbon footprint of our operations and to conduct our business in an environmentally responsible way," says Andile Ncontsa, CEO of Litha Communications.

Litha offers its clients an opportunity to do the same by contributing a tree for every delegate that attends its conferences and events. Their non-governmental partners of choice are Food & Trees for Africa and Wildlands Conservation Trust.

"Beyond green for us, is however more than just ensuring that the flowers for decorations are seasonal, the food is locally grown, waste is recycled, or emissions offset. It is about playing our role as a responsible corporate citizen to promote and embrace business practices that meet the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations," adds Ncontsa.

Involvement in awards and recycling

Litha is behind efforts to build on the success of the Climate Change Leadership Awards, first established in South Africa in 2009, to now become a year round continental climate change advocacy programme, as opposed to just an annual event. With Litha's involvement, the awards have been rebranded as Climate Hero Awards Africa in dynamic relationship with business, smart cities, and community based organisations, working towards progressive realization of inclusive low carbon economic growth, reduced extreme weather impacts, green jobs, green options for food security and a healthy continent.

"We also contribute our time, talent and materials to Waste2Wow, a job creation design and manufacturing studio that recycles advertising banners and billboards, turning trash into creative and desirable eco-friendly 'wow' items, such as funky shopping bags. Its website is We believe that enriching society and preserving our planet for future generations is not an option or a nice thing to do - it is a matter of necessity," he concludes.

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