OOH News South Africa

Graffiti 'vandalism' reaches new heights outdoors

Following on from its television launch of the 'See Through It' campaign, Coca Cola SA has legalized illegal art - graffiti - to re-launch youth brand Sprite to the South African market.

A selection of three advertisements with clearly misleading, 'tongue in cheek' messages have been erected on six billboards around Johannesburg's northern suburbs and Soweto during the past week. From 12 - 16 July, a group of young graffiti artists will systematically 'deface' the billboards with massive Sprite 'See Through It' logos, to encourage consumers to see through all the advertising clutter they are constantly exposed to and 'trust their instincts'.

According to international research today's young people, are "individualistic, with a confidence that comes from learning to fend for themselves" (the product of 'working parents'). They take control of their own lives and form their own opinions in their quest to stay real and true to themselves".

This sub-culture extends across all racial divides and has a language and ideology of its own. They are street smart, sussed, irreverent almost, in their need to cut through the clutter. It is this 'Generation X' of our society, which is the core target market of Sprite's 'See Through It' campaign.

Jeremy Charoux, senior brand manager for Sprite says, "We wanted a campaign that was true to the self-expressive nature of the Sprite brand yet different enough to appeal to a market that has 'seen it all'. We feel that the campaign is refreshing in its originality and creativeness and has successfully captured the self expressive essence of the Sprite personality."

Sprite is the only clear soft drink on the market and Charoux feels that this is symbolic of the 'X Generation's' ability to see through things in society. "Clarity, honesty and honesty are what they are striving for. Sprite is a lifestyle brand that says 'you can be who you are'."

The creative concept for the billboard campaign started at Vega, the brand and communication school in Sandton. Students were given a class project to develop outdoor communication that would convey the 'See Through It' message. The belief being that since the brand was targeted at the youth, the youth should be involved in the advertising process. O & M then created the campaign and used the work of the students to complete the creative process.

The entire campaign is now at the mercy of the graffiti artists who can be seen high on the billboards hard at work with spray cans. Each day a different billboard will be targeted.

Editorial contact

Tumbleweed Communications for Coca Cola South Africa

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