Film News South Africa

Man searches for bff

What started off as a rather crumby movie slowly morphed into a very funny but still predictable one. Peter Klaven (Paul Rudd) decides to propose to his love-you-long-time girlfriend Zooey Rice (Rashida Jones), and then realises that he has no guy friends at all and therefore no best man.
Man searches for bff

We watch him officially stumble through man-date after man-date and even get to see some guy-on-guy action but yes, you guessed it, he meets the strangest of men and still doesn't find his BFF.

Next thing, he bumps into Sidney Fife (Jason Segel), an insanely funny guy who brings out the testosterone in Peter. The bro-mance begins and as a result his relationship with his fiancee deteriorates. He soon has to choose between his GF and his BFF and becomes heartbroken afterwards.

It's a mindless movie, but full of laughs - not roll-on-the-floor belly laughs, but laughs nonetheless. It's a great movie for chilling and shooting the breeze with some friends.

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