Music News South Africa

DJ Euphonik creating the aurally pleasant

DJ Euphonik chats to us via e-mail about the importance of creating a brand for yourself as an artist, Honk Kong Phooey and signing girl's boobs.
DJ Euphonik creating the aurally pleasant

How did you get into DJ'ing?
It started off as a hobby when I was 14. I used to collect a lot of music, so mixing it together and sharing it with people was a natural progression.

Has it always been something you've been interested in?

Not really, a friend of mine asked me to come play music at his party when I was 14 and when I told my peers they called me the DJ and that's where my interest for it began. Collecting music is something I‘ve always done.

If you weren't DJ'ing what do you think you would be doing?

I'd be an unhappily employed at some marketing company!

What are the differences between DJ'ing on the radio and live and which do you prefer?

The difference is the size of your audience. On radio you have obviously got a lot more people listening attentively to the music and when you are playing live you get to see the expressions on people's faces and feed of their energy.

It must have been exciting hearing that you were included in the Mail & Guardian's Top 300 young South Africans, what was that like?

I was extremely excited. I work hard for self fulfilment and to better the overall music scene and DJ scene in the country. Recognition like this doesn't go to my head but shows me I'm headed in the right direction.

You have a very classy website how important do you think creating a brand and identity for yourself as an artist is in these brand conscious days?

In this day and age, if you don't have a brand, you don't exist. Even as the ordinary man on the street you need to have a brand identity and a unique selling point. The internet is a tool that connects the world and as an artist you need to be visible in every medium possible. My website has opened me and my brand up to the world.

Why the name DJ Euphonik?

To cut a long story short I found the name in English class when I was in grade 10 and it means a pleasing sound.

What SA and international artists are you influenced by?

Wow too many to count but I am mainly influenced by artists that understand the overall picture.

How do you cater your DJ'ing style and music for different environments?

Surprisingly enough I don't. I look at the environment and play what I like that's suitable for that environment. Being a DJ is playing the right music at the right place at the right time without selling your soul.

What do you think makes a successful DJ?

I think once you start DJ'ing out of your bedroom it automatically becomes about an audience and not just solely yourself. You are an entertainer and all you have to do is entertain people and understand the business side of your craft, know how to market yourself and love what you do.

What has been your craziest “rock star” DJ moment?

Signing a girls boob in Welkom, after her boyfriend insisted I do it!

What are your favourite venues to play in SA?

I don't have favourite venues I have favourite cities/towns, these being: The Vaal, Durban, Cape Town & Pretoria.

What would you say is you best performance been in your musical career?

I recently went to Dubai for a gig the crowd there was so diverse and the way I managed to have a rocking set made me understand how more than ready I am to take on the international market.

How do you think the SA music scene (especially the dance scene) could be improved and what do you think we are doing right?

I think our scene definitely has the quantity as far as music and DJ's are concerned but we lack quality of our music and exportable items and DJ's. What we are doing right though is starting to realise how massive the scene is and that we need to start pulling up our socks.

What are the best and worst things about being a DJ?

Love everything except being on planes and the fact that my body has conditioned itself to sleep after 1 am even during the week.

Which Superhero would you be and why?

Honk Kong Phooey! He has a big heart and carries on like a normal person regardless.

Message for your fans?

“Wow wa wi wa!! Thanks for all the support!”

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