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#MusicExchange: Bokani Dyer
I spoke to the master pianist last week:
The new decade means:
Hopefully it means the end of Covid-19.
Fame is about:
Lots of people knowing about you, I guess?
Retirement will happen when:
I can't say definitively. Not anytime soon!
I don't do:
What does music mean to you?
A lot of things. Different things at different times. It is a companion at times and also a means to express myself and also learn about myself.
My music is about:
Everything. The life we live, our experiences, our solidarities, our
hopes and dreams.
I would love to co-write with:
Laura Mvula and Oumou Sangare.
Where do you go for inspiration to create?
It is not specific. Sometimes inspiration comes at unlikely times. I
just feel the spark to create and then it happens.
What is the most enjoyable aspect of your work?
Connecting with people, whether it is fellow bandmates on stage or
The song you must do in every show:
Mmm. I don’t have one that I feel I must do, but from streaming
insights, I have seen that a lot of people enjoy the song Fola from the Neo Native album.
Any funny moments on stage:
All the time! Sometimes when you go completely blank on songs you
know really well, best to find the funny side of these moments I
Also, sometimes audiences say some hilarious things.
My heroes:
So many! For today, I will say Maya Angelou. So much powerful
insight and inspired thought.
My style icon:
Still looking for one.
Which living person do you admire most and why?
I admire a lot of people and their actions. It is difficult to single out one person and say they are the best or most admired. I admire my
mother for being highly principled and resolute in the things that
she believes in.
What is your most treasured possession?
My piano.
It’s your round. What are you drinking?
Dream gig to do:
I did one of my dream gigs two years ago at Ronnie Scott’s in
London - a place with so much history and so many greats who have
graced that stage.
What makes you stand out?
Everyone has a unique story to tell. I have my own and this makes me stand out.
Bo, Boks, Bokso, Bokanator, Bokolosh and lots more. I am blessed to have some very creative people around me!
If you were not a musician, what would you do?
Probably something to do with psychology research.
Who would play you in a Hollywood blockbuster and why?
Haha, I don’t know. My favorite actor is Denzel Washington, so it
would be a trip to see him do it.
Pick five words to describe yourself:
Optimistic, daring, self-critical, careful and caring.
Five favorite SA albums:
Genes & Spirits - Moses Molelekwa
Celebration - Bheki Mseleku
Born in a Taxi - Blk Sonshine
We used to dance - Andile Yenana
Live at the Market Theatre - Sibongile Khumalo
Greatest movie ever made:
So many, but a recent one is Parasite.
What books are you reading?
The New Apartheid by Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh.
What song changed your life?
Spanish Joint - D’Angelo.
Who do you love?
My wife, family and friends.
What is your favorite word?
Favorite fashion garment:
Probably my hats.
What do you complain about most often?
I don’t complain much. I would have to ask my wife about that.
What is your fear?
Happiness is:
A great feeling that I wish for everyone as much as possible.
On stage, I tend to?
Lick my lips.
The best life lesson you have been taught:
So many. A recent one is about not being too quick to assume
things. At times, I think people have the tendency to interpret things
hastily, only to find that their assumptions were incorrect.
Do you get worked up whilst watching a sports game on TV?
Sometimes while watching soccer I get passionate.
Where would you like to be right now?
I am happy to be where I am.
Do you do charity work and if you do, what do you do?
Not really. I would like to change this. There are so many people who need help in this country.
Wishes and dreams:
A more accepting country and world.
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