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Youngr, Kim Churchill to perform at Jeremy Loops' Summersault Fest
Loops jumped at the opportunity to create his own festival and bring some of his friends from around the world together on stage at a one-day festival in his hometown. Through his travels and tour locations, he has had the privilege of meeting some incredible artists along the way. He also wanted fellow South Africans in on this signature event.
“I’m incredibly excited to introduce Summersault Festival, our first Jeremy Loops music festival. It's in our DNA, really. In our early days in Cape Town, we used to host our own parties just to have a platform to perform on and later, when we began playing festivals and as I’ve toured the globe doing so recently, I've always obsessed about lineups, design and how I'd tweak a festival if it was my own. Well, the time has arrived and so here we are,” he says.
Tickets now on sale via Howler.