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#MusicExchange: Ashlinn Gray
Her latest release, STFU produced by Abe Dertner, is a defiant stand. In her production, she toys by combining genres, fusing rock, pop, and hip-hop elements into a track that is as unpredictable as youth in 2019 can be.
She has recently relocated to the USA and returned last week to spend a month promoting her new single back home.
I spoke to her in Johannesburg, last week.
What does music mean to you?
Music is my favourite language. I love how so many people can be strangers until they realise they like the same music, or listen to the same song over and over again. It brings people together and makes life so much greater.
What is the most enjoyable aspect of your work?
Creating. I don’t care what it is. It could be visual or audio. I love creating something that has an Ashlinn Gray spin on it.
What drives you: ego or humility?
Humility, until my ego butts in.
Any funny moments on stage?
My dress once fell down. Luckily I still had long hair.
Which living person do you admire most and why?
I’d admire all the people I surround myself with but at the moment I also really admire Lady Gaga. I think she has taken a lot of risks and pushed a lot of boundaries and I really admire people who are courageous. She also has a really kind heart and I think that that’s the most important thing to have in life.
What is your most treasured possession?
I always think about what I would grab if my house caught on fire and I can never answer! Maybe picture albums from when I was a kid.
It’s your round, what are you drinking?
WINE! Preferably South African.
What makes you stand out?
My energy and charisma; and sometimes my grey hair.
Dream gig to do?
The next version of Global Citizen or Live Aid.
If you were not a musician, what would you do?
I’d be creating something like make-up, apps, food, or photography. I really just enjoy creating ideas, executing them to the best of my ability and selling them.
Pick five words to describe yourself?
Adventurous, creative, curious, an old soul, and visionary.
What song changed your life?
My song Battleships. It started my career and came from an authentic place.
What is your favourite word?
Rusk. Just say it out loud.
Give us some real proper slang and what it means
I’m just vibing the vibes on vibes. You feel me? You gotta stay woke and keep wilin’ - I’m just seeing what’s happening. You have to be attentive and keep having fun.
Top of your bucket list?
Northern Lights.
What do you complain about most often?
Being hungry.
On stage, I tend to?
Speak in a weird accent.
Where would you like to be right now?
With my family in South Africa.
Do you do charity work and if you do –what do you do?
I’m part of an organisation called RADA. They help people who have been affected by rape, alcohol, and drug abuse as well as sponsor an orphanage. I’m involved in a few of their different projects like their music department and the RADA angels. I always try help out whenever I can with my time and skills. I really believe in the work they do.
Wishes and dreams?
To be successful in my relationships and career. I love working hard at those two things.
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