Vuyani Dance Theatre auditions
Interested candidates must have completed their matric and or studied dance at a tertiary institution to take part. Prior experience, teaching and singing skills will be an added advantage.
The training will give qualifying candidates insight into VDT's repertoire, and may include both national and international touring experience.
Auditions will take place in Johannesburg at The Dance Space (old MID building), 01 President St, Newtown on Thursday 5 and Friday 6 December from 09:00.
Candidates should send their CVs, recent head and shoulder picture and a one page motivational letter. Only 15 candidates will be selected for the 2014 programme.
For further information call +27 (0) 11 838 7666 and e-mail your particulars to az.oc.inayuv@sadnayul or az.oc.inayuv@ofni.
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