Automotive News South Africa

Hot events for fast ladies

South African women who are interested in getting involved in motorsport will be given the opportunity to get hands on experience at special Women's Day events taking place at motor racing tracks in Gauteng and Cape Town on 9 August 2009.

Aimed at opening doors to women and widening their participation in motorsport, this is the second year the event is being staged at Cape Town's Killarney Race Track and the third year at Gauteng's Zwartkops Race Track outside Pretoria.

There will also be Motocross training for women and outrides for both men and women at JMXC Offroad Track in Alberton, Gauteng.

“Our Women's Day event has become a much anticipated and enjoyable chance for ladies to get first hand experience of motorsport and we hope they and their families will join us again this year”, says Wilmarie Janse Van Rensburg, President of MSA Women in Motorsport panel.

Ladies can improve and practice their driving skill on the skid pans and enjoy demo rides and drives on motorcycles, go-karts and cars absolutely free on a first come first served basis.

Women who are already involved in motorsport will be helping with the demos and sharing information to help newcomers into the world of car and motorbike racing. While the ladies are busy there will be refreshments and plenty happening to keep men and children amused.

For more information about programmes, times, costs etc at the three venues visit the Motorsport South Africa website, Women in Motorsport page on left side menu.

The MSA Women in Motorsport Panel was set up under the auspices of Motorsport South Africa in line with the requirements of the Ministry of Sport and the FIM (International Federation of Motorcycling).

The panel consists of members who represent each category in motorsport with the aim of promoting, developing and encouraging the participation of women in the following: car circuit racing, drag racing, karting, motocross (senior and junior), supermoto, motorcycle circuit racing, motorcycle off road and enduro racing, motorcycle rallies/leisure riding, off road car racing, oval racing (dirt and tar), quad racing (including flat track), rallying, medical and safety, environment, publicity and media liaison, organisers and officials representatives.

Motorsport South Africa already has more than 500 licensed female competitors. The increasing number of women motorsport competitors is raising awareness for motorsport in general and providing new opportunities for sponsors and marketers.

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