News South Africa

National Eisteddfod calls for entries

The National Eisteddfod Academy is calling for entries for the 2010 NEA Young Performer Awards, which provides a platform where the best young performers in music, dance and drama can compete and showcase their talents.
National Eisteddfod calls for entries

This event culminates in an awards ceremony on 15 May 2010 at the UJ Arts Centre when the winners will be announced. Closing date for entries is 13 February 2009.

Scholarships and Awards

Scholarships, as well as cash prizes amounting up to R30 000, will be awarded to the top junior and senior performers. Categories include best senior and junior performers in Classical, Crossover and Contemporary Music, Speech and Drama, Dance and Creative Arts.

The Process
The adjudication process involves four rounds:

* First and Quarter-final rounds:
* Dates: 2 to 19 March, 2010
* Venues: Joburg ProMusica Theatre (Main Theatre and Basement Theatre).
* A limited number of participants will be invited during each session to participate in the Quarter-final on the same day at 7.30pm.

* Semi-final round:
* Dates: 22 to 25 March, 2010
* Venue: Joburg ProMusica Theatre
* The best performers in the various categories as identified during the Quarter-final rounds will be invited to the semi-final round.

* Final round
* Date: 15 May, 2010
* Venue: University of Johannesburg Arts Centre.
* The NEA will invite 10 to 20 finalists, based on results of the semi-final events, to participate in the final event.

* Two adjudicators will adjudicate all items during the first rounds.
* A panel of at least four adjudicators will adjudicate the final event.
* The decision of the adjudicators is final.
* Adjudicators will expect from each participant an outstanding and true performance that displays originality ("spark"). The expected level of skills, knowledge and understanding relevant to the performance is exceptionally high (being "cute" is not enough!).

Who may enter?

* All recipients of diploma awards during the National Eisteddfod Academy's activities of 2009 (excluding areas of unprepared and improvised work, eg prepared and unprepared reading and unprepared mime).
* Recipients of diplomas or similar awards (90 percent and higher) in other eisteddfods and festivals during 2009 are invited to enter for the NEA-Awards in the categories for which they have received diploma or similar awards (excluding all unprepared and improvised work).
* Participants in other festivals need to submit certified copies of the relevant diploma and adjudicator's report with each entry. The organisers of other eisteddfods and festivals may also nominate their top achievers for participation in the NEA Young Performer Awards.

How to enter?

* Download the necessary entry form from the NEA website (
* Complete the entry from, attach proof of payment and fax to +27 (0)11 787 3534 before 13 February 2010 or mail to PO Box 1288, Randburg, 2125. Late entries will be accepted until 21 February subject to a double entry fee.
* Entry fee: recipients of NEA diploma awards: R200.
* Participants in other festivals and events: R400.

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